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Mage equipment/ Supreme Magicka issue, Where to start looking to build a compatibility patch


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I'v spent several days setting up and testing mods on a fresh install of oblivion. After over twenty hours of testing my first "for real" Character is nearly ten hours old. The only problem I've noticed so far had been with the mage equipment mod.


I've have been finding some of the robes from the mod as random loot in dungeons, however so far all the enchanted ones don't have a price. The price column in the menu for these items is blank, not even showing 0. If I attempt to sell one the pop up asks if I want to give the item away and the merchant claims they can not afford it.


Disabling all mods excepted Mage equipment the robes showed their correct price and could be sold like normal. So I started re enabling one mod at a time until the problem showed up again. The conclusion was that Supreme Magicka (the main plugin) was the conflict. I loaded both mods in CS to see if anything stuck out at me. Switching between ME and SM as the active plugins, ether way the price for the ME items showed up the same in the item window, so I'm not sure what I could edit in CS in order for the Items be valued correctly in game.


Anyone with more experience with the construction set then me have any suggestions?

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This is where the base value is changed, correct? As you can see there is one set. In case it is relevant both Mage equpment and Supreme Magicka where loaded in CS with SM the last in the load order and the active plugin. The variable in this field the same regardless of which mod is active or the load order however. Unless the Base value is changed somewhere else and the field I am looking at is something different?

Edited by keyqueen
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Quick up date to say I've narrowed down the problem. I noticed that the affected items all have a scrip attached to them.



Script for the ranger's robe


Not sure exactly what it does, but it does reference the items price and has what looks to be a command to set the value. So I decided to do an experiment. Simply removing the script from the existing item had no effect in game, either on the rangers robe my character already has in his inventory, nor on the ones I spawned in using the additem commend.


Instead I created two duplicates of the robe in a new esp. One duplicate had a copy of the script while the second had no script at all. In game I used the additem command to add both to my character's inventory. The one with the script showed no value while the one without showed the correct value. So I've come to the conclusion that for some reason Supreme Magicka doesn't like the script Mage equipment has added to it's enchanted items.


Anyone know or understand what the above script does? I'm brand new to elderscrolls modding and haven't yet started to learn about scripting.

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In my experience there are two camps on how much items should cost ... free (as in zero gold) and not free (as in some cost between reasonable and exorbitant).


Mod authors themselves can belong to one camp or another, and it won't matter which camp they belong to they will draw the ire of those in the opposite camp (the why does this cost so much/cost nothing conundrum ... a no way to win/no way to lose situation depending on whether your goal is to satisfy nobody or satisfy everybody).


Fun fact ... the game will consider your character as completely nude if all of your equipped items are zero cost no matter how much of your character is covered/uncovered by the actual NIFs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, basically it makes the items it runs on value-less the very first second into the game. If that's really from Mage Equipment, I wonder what purpose it had.


So the scrip removes the value from the item once the game starts? That's interesting. Wonder why the author would want it to do that, and why it interacts with Supreme Magicka the way it does.


Fun fact ... the game will consider your character as completely nude if all of your equipped items are zero cost no matter how much of your character is covered/uncovered by the actual NIFs.


That's actually pretty funny. In skyrim I know NPC's will make comments when the PC's naked. I didn't know oblivion even kept track of it outside of maybe a quest or two.


Interesting to know about the free/cost items controversy as well. Seems such a strange thing for the community to disagree on.


Anyway, I went though the Mage Equipment esp and removed the scrip from all the items that had it. Playing on a fresh save and everything seems to be working just fine now.

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