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Better file search for mods/various suggestions


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The following would be very, very helpful:


- Allow a user to search for a keyword in addition to using tags.

- Allow a user to look in more than one catagory in advanced search

- Allow the use of tags in advanced search

- Allow the use of booleans and related features. (IE: things in quotes must be exactly that, whole word only checkbox, can search for more than one word with x AND Y AND...., or x, y...., x OR y, and so on, if I seach for "ore", the word more wouldn't count, etc)

- Allow thumbnails of file to show up in search

- Allow a mod to be in more than one category

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Great concepts, another thing that would make finding mods easier would be a "downloaded mods" category added to users profiles (With auto created links that lead you to the mods page.)


This would make it far faster and easier to check and see if mod X has been updated recently or if the latest official patch has caused it problems rather then trying to do a manual search for the mod.


(It'd also be handy to view friends profiles and see at a glance which mods they're running.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great concepts, another thing that would make finding mods easier would be a "downloaded mods" category added to users profiles (With auto created links that lead you to the mods page.)


This would make it far faster and easier to check and see if mod X has been updated recently or if the latest official patch has caused it problems rather then trying to do a manual search for the mod.


(It'd also be handy to view friends profiles and see at a glance which mods they're running.)


I hadn;t thought of that, good idea.

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The following would be very, very helpful:


- Allow a user to search for a keyword in addition to using tags.

- Allow a user to look in more than one catagory in advanced search

- Allow the use of tags in advanced search

- Allow the use of booleans and related features. (IE: things in quotes must be exactly that, whole word only checkbox, can search for more than one word with x AND Y AND...., or x, y...., x OR y, and so on, if I seach for "ore", the word more wouldn't count, etc)

- Allow thumbnails of file to show up in search

- Allow a mod to be in more than one category



Definitely agree with some of these things. It gets rather annoying when the word has to be written exactly like it is written in the title, too, as it makes it harder to search for older mods you haven't used for some time.

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May I add something too:


-Downloadable list of mods (oneliners; mod ID number, title, other info)


I used to make this kind of list (ID and title) and searched it with "grep" to

make download lists. E.g., "UNP", "tree", "rock".


-Search which reaches inside the package files

-Search which reaches inside the bsa/esm/esp files


I decode the esm/esp file formats and would like to download

mods which have largest esm/esp files. Or a particular record

of esm/esp file format.


Only rare people would use the latter search. I would like to

download all mods and do these things my way. Can I easily

download all mods as Premium member? With suitable

Python script, perhaps semimanually to avoid unnecessary

traffic. Gently, that is, but all.

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