scottmealey Posted May 27, 2020 Share Posted May 27, 2020 Ok, so I've recently updated Legacy Of The Dragonborn to version 5, and have done through most of the other mods I have to update and/or remove compatible/non-compatible mods. Now, when I start the game, it crashes as soon as Ralof and I arrive at Riverwood. Before that, it would crash when trying to use a tanning rack or blacksmith forge. Not sure if there's a conflicting mod, or a different order I should have them. I'm using Vortex Mod Manager, which has the LOOT mod included with it. For the record, I have tried disabling all mods and run the game gradually enabling them one-by-one, but can't seem to null out the problem. current load order: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espLegacyoftheDragonborn.esmfalskaar.esmGray Fox Cowl.esmWyrmstooth.espELFX - Exteriors.espELFX - Weathers.espTrueStormsSE.espUnreadBooksGlow.espDMB_UnreadBooksGlow_Patch.espGray Cowl of Nocturnal - iNeed Patch.espPurewaters.espEnhancedLightsandFX.espRelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp (currently disabled)SOTFull.espCollegeofWinterholdImmersive.espSoundsofSyrimComplete.espHelgen Reborn.espELFXWeathers_TS_Patch_Somber.esp (currently disabled)ELFXWeathers_TS_SoS_Patch.espSoS_TrueStorms_Patch.espAKSkyrimUnderground.espMoonAndStar_MAS.espUndeath.espWeapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.espGray Cowl - WACCF Patch.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espmoonpath.espJRMoonpathtoElsweyrPatch.espZIA_Complete Pack.espSkyrimUniqueTreasures.espCloaks.espOBIS SE.espVISPatch-OBIS SE.espImmersive Weapons.espImmersive Weapons_WACCF_Patch.espOBIS SE - SoT Bandit Patch.espDBM_WACCF_Patch.espimp_helm_legend.espUSSEP-Immersive Weapons Patch.espPrvtl_HeavyArmory.espPrvtl_HeavyArmory_WACCF_Patch.espSL01AmuletsSkyrim.espwavetest.espArtifacts.espDBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.espWZOblivionArtifacts.espDBM_OblivionArtifacts_Patch.espkonahrik_accoutrements.espKonahriks Accoutrements ICH-WACCF-VIS Patch.espWACCF_KonahriksAccoutrements.espImprovedClosedfacedHelmets_WACCF.espDBM_SoT_Patch.espImmersive Patrols II.espVigilant.espVigilant Voiced.espFossilsyum.espTools of Kagrenac.espZIA_WACCF_Patch.espDBM_ELFXExteriors_Patch.espCloaks - Dawnguard.espCloaks - USSEP Patch.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espPrvtlRoyalArmory.espAetheriumSwordsnArmor.espDBM_AetheriumWeapons_Patch.espDBM_RoyalArmory_Patch.espDBM_IW_Patch.espDBM_TOK_Patch.espineed.espnotice board.espOBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.espDBM_MAS_Patch.espForgottenCity.espDBM_Undeath_Patch.espStagPrinceBow.espDBM_CWIPatch.esptreasure_hunt.espDBM_ImmersiveCollegeofWinterhold_Patch.espDBM_Falskaar_Patch.espDBM_KA_Patch.espDBM_SkyrimUnderground_Patch.espDBM_NoticeBoard_Patch.espDBM_CloaksofSkyrim_Patch.espicebladeofthemonarch.espDBM_IceBladeMonarch_Patch.espDBM_Wyrmstooth_Patch.espDBM_TheGrayCowlofNocturnal_Patch.espDBM_OBIS_Patch.espDBM_AmuletsOfSkyrim_Patch.espDBM_NewTreasureHunt_Patch.espDBM_SUT_Patch.espDBM_ELFX_Patch.espDBM_ZimsThaneWeapons_Patch.esp (currently disabled)ArtifactsOfBoethiah.espDBM_ArtifactsOfBoethiah_Patch.espDBM_DaedricRealms_Patch.espDBM_ForgottenCity_Patch.espRavengate.espDBM_Moonpath_Patch.espOBIS SE Patrols Addon.espVISPatch-OBIS Patrols Addon.espGray Cowl of Nocturnal - Unofficial Patch.espDBM_IA_Patch.espRuinsEdge.espStaffOfSheogorath.espDBM_StaffOfSheogorath_Patch.espDBM_HA_Patch.espDBM_RuinsEdge_Patch.espDBM_Fossils_Patch.espdd - enhanced blood main.espicepenguinworldmap.espContainers and Leveled Lists Fixes.espGray Fox Cowl - CLLF Patch.espDBM_CLLF_Patch.espELFX - Hardcore.espSoS_ELFX+Hardcore+Weathers_Patch.espWACCF_BAshedPatchLvlListFix.esp (currently disabled) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueGunk Posted May 31, 2020 Share Posted May 31, 2020 I'm sorry no-one's got back to you. That's probably because the list doesn't show any horrors (at least not to me). If the game crashed as you round the dirt cliff and the Riverwood gate comes into view, that was always a notorious crashing point for over-loaded games.Maybe try LOOT separately form Vortex and see if you get a different load order.Also, use SSEedit to load up the mods and check for conflicts. Not sure what WACCF Bashed Patch Fix is.... I always used Wrye Bash plain and simple for my Bashd Patch. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jjb54 Posted May 31, 2020 Share Posted May 31, 2020 Okay, for instances: HELGEN REBORN. Did you read all the instructions on the Description page? ( I've been surprised in the past how many missed certain points in their ' speed reading '. Reveal hidden contents Install manually by placing Helgen Reborn.esp and Helgen Reborn.bsa in your games Data folder or install with Nexus Mod Manager. Generally, all users should install version 106.If you are starting a new character it is imperative that you leave Helgen Reborn UNCHECKED until you exit the cave with Hadvar/Ralof. Make a NEW hard save right there and load my plugin. It's fine if it is installed, just uncheck it in your plugin list until you exit the cave. The reason for this is if you try to start a new game from the main menu with my mod loaded it will likely place you standing by the cart you're supposed to be in, or several other strange behaviors. This is caused by a bug whereby editing the navmesh in Helgen causes the cart ride to fail. Since I cannot have a new town without finalizing the namnesh to link the teleports for my new shops, this issue is unavoidable.While you can certainly play at any level, I'd say around level 20ish is a good sweet spot for a great combat experience. If you're a level 80 character with maxed out skills and perks, nothing in the game is going to be very challenging. Also, if you have any level character where you've installed and uninstalled a lot of scripted mods, you're eventually going to have trouble with your save whether you run my mod or not. Missing scripts cause errors and will eventually corrupt your save, so I recommend using as clean a save as possible. This applies not only to Helgen Reborn, but any scripted mod.About 10 seconds after you load the game with my mod installed your journal should update with a new quest. Just follow instructions from there.But before you speak to Marcus in my quest, I suggest you make sure the bandits that take over Helgen are enabled and in place. These bandits are enabled 4 days after the quest "Unbound" has been completed, but you must enter Whiterun to enable them. You will know for sure they are enabled by checking the gates leading into Helgen and if you have the spikes with the bloody body parts on them, you're good to go! If you do not, I suggest you wait somewhere for 4 days, then enter Whiterun through the main gate, NOT by fast traveling, then go back to Helgen to make sure they're enabled. If you've killed them before and they haven't respawned that's OK. As long as you have the bloody spikes you're fine.This mod is 100% compatible with Alternate Start - Live Another life. I still recommend that you follow Arthmoor's quest and run through the keep to trigger anything left over from Unbound.As for any other Alternate Start type mods, generally as long as they set everything to the condition it would be in a vanilla start after Helgen is destroyed, you're probably good to go. But again, the suggestion about the bandits above apply to everything whether vanilla or Alt start. These steps are recommended due to the way Bethesda set up these events in the vanilla game.If the Quick Start Quest somehow fails, you can start the quest with the console by putting in: SetStage BalokHelgen01 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuagaarWarrior Posted June 1, 2020 Share Posted June 1, 2020 Something about your load order...doesnt look right. Have you definitely run LOOT on this? First off I think you should be using the ESM version of Vigilant which means LOOT would place it near the top. Also:Konahriks Accoutrements ICH-WACCF-VIS Patch.espWACCF_KonahriksAccoutrements.espImprovedClosedfacedHelmets_WACCF.espAre you sure you need all these? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scottmealey Posted June 2, 2020 Author Share Posted June 2, 2020 Okay, run down on advice:-I knew about the glitch/problem with Helgen Reborn, and I guess I should have mentioned I do disable it upon starting a new game.-I am definitely running LOOT, but I guess I'm a bit of a noob. If I click the "Sort Plugins" button, is that it, or should more be done? When I run LOOT on its own, I end up getting the same load order as Vortex.-I have updated Vigilant to the ESM version, and disabled the 3 plugins mentioned. A bit more on the usual crash, it's not the dirt cliff coming towards the Riverwood gate, it's as soon as Ralof starts rounding the lumber mill to meet Gerdur. Even with all the fixes/disables/etc., I tried running a new game from starting point (I have a "Prisoner" save once the cart stops in Helgen saved with no mods or plugins loaded to begin with), but once again, as soon as Ralof and I arrive at Riverwood, and he says "Looks like we're the first ones to arrive," and walks across the bridge, the game crashes to the desktop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jjb54 Posted June 2, 2020 Share Posted June 2, 2020 Okay - understand that we can only go with what you post and not what you do not post and did do. :) So here is what I would suggest: P.I.T.A. Protocol. Turn OFF all your mods and play up and save several spots:> After you follow Hadvar to just after Alduin at the wall where you crouch. > Then when just before you have to make the choice to follow Hadvar or Ralof.> The just before you get to Riverwood. > ... Back them up just in case you need to fall back on them. > Does the game CTD / Lock?... If not, then it's mod related and we begin to find which one or ones are at play. Then at one of your saves with NO MODS .... load 1 or 2 mods at a time and play until you reach a place where you CTD / Lock. Make note of that mod and continue the process as there could easily be more than 1 mod at play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scottmealey Posted June 3, 2020 Author Share Posted June 3, 2020 (edited) UPDATE: Was having repeated crash problems upon entering Whiterun listening to the conversation between Idalof and Adrienne. As soon as he says "I'd sooner bend my knee to Ulfric Stormcloak", it would crash. Disabled all DBM_ plugins, went one by one... it was The Tools Of Kagrenac that was crashing it. Mod gone, smooth sailing so far. jjb54, thanks again for the advice. I've disabled all mods and went through them one by one, or in some case in groups of 3 or 4. Seems the problems clashed in several spots, so I'm keeping the following disabled: -DBM_ELFX_Patch.esp-DBM_ELFXExtreriors_Patch.esp-DMB_ZimsThaneWeapons_Patch.esp-ELFX - Hardcore.esp-EnhancedLightsandFX.esp-imp_helm_legend.esp-ImprovedClosedfacedHelmets_WACCF.esp-SoS_ELFX+Hardcore+Weathers_Patch.esp-Sos_TrueStorms_Patch.esp-WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp So far, there's been no crash upon arriving at Riverwood, nor when I use a tanning rack or blacksmith's forge. Seriously, guys, thank you so much, I appreciate the help and advice. Been jonesing for nearly a month unable to play, I'm finaly able to get my fix (much to my wife's chagrin lol!) Edited June 4, 2020 by scottmealey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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