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Hat Trick?


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Hiyo~ im Akiba, this is my very first post here on the nexus forums. but aside from that, i have a mod request . i'm a pretty decent archer. but i dont feel like skyrim is really rewarding me for this. So the idea for a little shooting range type thing popped into my head. it isnt really a shooting range per say. i know there's a little side-quest thing that gives you some stuff in skyrim. but i was thinking something more casual. kind of a find-and-seek type thing i suppose. well let me just describe my idea


Basicly theres various targest placed in varying degree's of dificulty to shoot around towns and stuff. not all towns. maybe just whiterun and riften. basicly. the target gives loot depending on the difficulty to shoot it. all vanilla items, obviously. somewhat valuable things. like Daedra hearts and daedric arrows could be the harder to hit ones, ores and ingots the medium, and small amounts of gold the easier ones (about 100-400) and every 3 day's (in game) the baskets replenish. I can see how it could potentianly break the game. but it'd be fun.


Let me know if this is even a good idea please! and if you do it and you also play TF2 on steam, i'll give you a strange scotsmans skullcutter for it

Edited by Akiba2341
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"strange scotsmans skullcutter"

Generous reward :biggrin:



Anyway, idea is really nice.

Archery competitions wouldn't make sense, as AI is kinda hard to beat when it comes to hitting static target. :biggrin:

But the "hit the target to win"- idea is quite nice.

its not a compatition o3o its a player-only type thingie.

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Aye, I know.

But I just wanted to point that out. (In case the over-exited little boys come around)



By the way, there is certain quest in Skyrim already a bit related to this. (and you referred to it in your post)

I could believe it could offer nice base for this kind of thing.

yeah it gives you a unique bow and some other things. and i guess it would. theres a command prompt that puts items directly into your inventory. i dont know what it is. but i know that the AI does it if you drop a valuable weapon. i was thinking you hit a target's hitbox and it triggers that event type....thing... i dont really know what im talking about man, i just come up with the ideas

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