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Morrowind May Modathon 2020 - Wrap Up


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May is over and the Morrowind May Modathon 2020 celebrating the 18th anniversary of all-time classic TES III: Morrowind is coming to an end. But that's not a reason to be sad, oh no, let's instead rejoice at the more than 280 new mods that have been uploaded by their creators during the Modathon - that's quite the spike in mod uploads!


Even (almost) two decades after its release Morrowind truly is one of those games with its own, unique charm. I must say, seeing some of the many new Morrowind mods does give me some serious nostalgia pangs... Check out some of my personal highlights from this year's Modathon:



  • The aptly named Pacifist Options - When it makes sense? - a mod that gives you peaceful options to complete certain quests.
  • Mistify? - enhances the ambience of the Bitter Coast by adding a new mist effect throughout the region, adding to its eeriness.
  • Heart of the Velothi - Gnisis? is an epic overhaul of the city of Gnisis that is inspired by the original concept art.
  • Hotkeys Extended? gives you - you guessed it - more hotkeys by expanding the vanilla Quick Menu.

Congratulations to everyone who have earned themselves one of this year's shiny achievements or one of the many games the event host darkelfguy gave away during the month of May. We sincerely hope that we will see you all back for next year's Modathon. Our thanks go out to all the participants and darkelfguy in particular for hosting another fantastic Modathon!


Last but not least, here's your host darkelfguy himself with some final words on this year's Modathon:


For the sixth year in a row, the Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition has been a huge success, with hundreds of new mod releases by dozens of mod authors, both new and old. Celebrating Morrowind's 18th anniversary, the community has released hundreds of new mods for this nearly two-decade old game, by some 73 modders, featuring hours of content to make Morrowind feel new again!


There were a ton of exciting mods released for this year's Modathon, with dozens of new gameplay features, countless new dungeons to fight through, new quests and adventures to go on, new player homes to move into, graphical replacers to install, and even a few new landmass mods to expand your game with, not to mention a couple of multiplayer mods for TES3MP!


While we fell a bit short of breaking last year's Modathon record, the Morrowind Modding Community has released a number of amazing mods this past month, proving once again that the best games never die!


A special thanks goes out to all the modders who participated, and stay tuned for the Summer Morrowind Modjam Competition, a 48-hour modding event coming July 11th-12th!


- darkelfguy / Morrowind Modding Showcases

Speaking of Modjam...


I hope you didn't have any plans for the weekend of July 11th - 12th because that's when the first Morrowind Summer Modjam will be going down. Modders will have just 48-hours to come up with, design, and release the best mod they can before time runs out. And there will be random prize drawings, badges, achievements - you name it! If that sounds like your jam, well, then stay tuned.




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  • Community Manager

It's great to see Morrowind getting so much love. Looking at the stats it was the most mods we've seen uploaded for Morrowind in a single month since time began!


A massive thank you to darkelfguy for continuing to host these events <3

Edited by Pickysaurus
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Thank you darkelfguy! Thank you Nexus! Thank you Morrowind Modding Community!


My favorite game is still alive and thriving.

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I just started replaying Morrowind in April, for the first time in about 10 years. Then suddenly the May Modathon hit, and you guys definitely made 2020 a redeemable year! Thank you for initiating this, and thank you to all the modders who just made my Morrowind that much more exciting.
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I love this game to death and I really believe that it has the best community a game can have. Thanks for all the new content guys, I’ve already enjoyed some it and I hope that I’ll be able to enjoy every single mod if time allows.



Cheers and beers, plenty!!

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