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Frequently Asked Question: Oblivion Crashes...


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Alright so I hope this is not an annoying question I am about to ask. I have made an effort to search for a solution for hours in three days. When I leave Chorrol I instantly freeze at the black screen after loading and crash...When I leave any town for that matter. This did not happen before I started tinkering with a horse mod and another armor mod. But then I FULLY un-installed and re-installed while testing if I was okay all the way. Mid-way I did not get a crash but after finishing all my mods (removing as many that I don't need as possible) I find that I start crashing again. What could cause this?


Companion Vilja + hair

Umpa Sexy Walk

Custom Race: (ArcaneElf/Abriael_Human

CM Partners


DMC Stylish - Special anims


DMRA BBB Complete Clothing and Armor Replacer



Lithians Nature Of The Beast Mod

Romuska Fantasy Store

Unnecessary Violence II

Vampire Faction / Race Reloaded

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May I ask as to your 'saving habits'? By that I mean, are you a quicksaver, an Esc menu saver or a named saver from the console prompt?
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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated from time to time so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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Quicksave (F5 by default) is a known corrupter of save files. Only use save from the Esc menu (never overwriting a save ... make each save in a new slot) or console named saves, again without overwriting.
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Ben, I used your full and complete uninstallation guide on your Oblivion solution thread within your link...It seems that was the only way to clear up whatever was corrupt in my game, it had more to do than my files for the reason it would not work. I attempted the "restart to vanilla settings" and got the same results from a clean new game.
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Alright so I hope this is not an annoying question I am about to ask. I have made an effort to search for a solution for hours in three days. When I leave Chorrol I instantly freeze at the black screen after loading and crash...When I leave any town for that matter. This did not happen before I started tinkering with a horse mod and another armor mod. But then I FULLY un-installed and re-installed while testing if I was okay all the way. Mid-way I did not get a crash but after finishing all my mods (removing as many that I don't need as possible) I find that I start crashing again. What could cause this?


Companion Vilja + hair

Umpa Sexy Walk

Custom Race: (ArcaneElf/Abriael_Human

CM Partners


DMC Stylish - Special anims


DMRA BBB Complete Clothing and Armor Replacer



Lithians Nature Of The Beast Mod

Romuska Fantasy Store

Unnecessary Violence II

Vampire Faction / Race Reloaded




If your autosave files from the old install are still in my documents\my games\oblivion\saves remove it. Back it up somewhere, but take it out of the save directory. You want to force Oblvion to make a completely clean autosave.


You can also disable autosave. Given that it's happening during moving in and out of cities, it might be that. It's dangerous, so do this at your own risk.

1. backup your oblivion.ini file

2. Open that file in notepad

3. find the [GamePlay] section

4. There are four entries that autosave uses. You'll change each of them from 1 to zero.






*lots of stuff don't change*




I use streamline now for my autosaving. I can't say one way or the other if it works better because I haven't been using it long.



Edit: the other thing that causes crashes like this are resource compatibility problems. Read this thread about how to figure those out. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/775917-compatibility-and-you/page__p__11605486#entry11605486

Edited by talveren
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