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Dragonborn dlc realease


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Actually the only word on the DLC's release was "sometime in 2013" which could mean any time from January 1st to December 31st. It'll get here eventually, best not to dwell on when :thumbsup:


Actually it was "Early 2013". :P


yeah and Early 2013 can mean from January to march. :thumbsup: I hope it will come asp

I doubt it'll be later than February. :3



Don´t doubt it game company's always like to disappoint or make us wait.

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If it is not out by a week from whenever Steam is done with its sale then I'll not buy this DLC until it is on sale. I'm getting sick of these delays.



Well blame Microsoft for being such a-holes there foult for saying if u want to release your game on our console we shall have exclusive rights on 2 DLC´s to be released on Xbox 1 month bore PC/PS3. Now I see why people like Linux or Apple way more.

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I rather doubt that people love Apple and Linux more that Windows, otherwise we wouldnt be playing skyrim on PC afterall, and would be forced to buy way more expensive but basicaly same computers.


About the DLC i agree with you, it was realy short sighted from Microsoft to only allow 2 DLC-s for Windows(i'm not sure if they included HD dlc, that makes 3 dlc's) and start making prepears for the new dlc right before it's released.

Edited by SilentFly
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The Exclusivity is over. From here on out its either their incompetence or dirty dealings by increasing the exclusivity period beyond what they publicly stated.


I understand they will have problems on PS3. However, I highly doubt they are delaying PC due to bugs, it just doesn't make sense.

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Dragonborn is the second DLC. Hearthfire was only an add-on. When they refer to DLC in this case they're referring to something that adds a large amount of content and a new major quest.

That, and in the data files Dragonborn has files named "DLC2".

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Dragonborn is the second DLC. Hearthfire was only an add-on. When they refer to DLC in this case they're referring to something that adds a large amount of content and a new major quest.

That, and in the data files Dragonborn has files named "DLC2".



As I said that period is over. From here on out they are just spitting in our faces every single day its not released. I've defended them before but my patience is just about ended. I'll not be buying their stuff at full price ever again. If the next Souls game is an improvement then I'm switching my loyalty fully to that series. Skyrim is good but it is nowhere near good enough that I'd play it unmodded on a console like I did Oblivion. The big difference between these two brands is that Dark Souls improved on Demon Souls. Skyrim fixed a couple of flaws in Oblivion but took away equally important things that made it a special game.


They are going to suck as much money out of the brand as they can without much care for quality. The MMO is a clear signal of this. Its a pity but theres nothing anyone can do about it. I don't know if I'll buy the next ES game if they pull the same stunts as the did with Skyrim. Tha being said, maybe Dragonborn will be released soon and my anger will cool a bit, I can only hope.

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