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tenpenny survivors *spoilers*


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That does not make much sense to do that though. The reason you are given a ghoul mask is so that the feral ghouls do not kill you. The Feral ghouls are similar to rabid dogs and has no allegiance to anyone...they just happen to not kill their own kind...hence the ghoul mask.


Once the GECK is released, I would imagine it would be a relatively simple matter of modifying their faction allegiance though.


I would think the more believable scenario would be to hand them ghoul masks prior to letting them in.



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That does not make much sense to do that though. The reason you are given a ghoul mask is so that the feral ghouls do not kill you. The Feral ghouls are similar to rabid dogs and has no allegiance to anyone...they just happen to not kill their own kind...hence the ghoul mask.


Once the GECK is released, I would imagine it would be a relatively simple matter of modifying their faction allegiance though.


I would think the more believable scenario would be to hand them ghoul masks prior to letting them in.




The only problem i see with that is then u remove the allegiance from the ten penny security? there by making them dead before the Ghouls get there lol.


in any effect your right, the ghouls don't have an allegiance. hence why one of them is fine to go pestering the tower every morning for entry. and just because these people "didn't mind" the ghouls, doesn't make them the sort to give up everything to go live with them. it would be really out of place for the ghouls to have a few human "pets" like the ghoul in Megaton lol.


I think a more friendly fix would to have a "pack up and move" script, so that when the attacks start, they simply run out of ten penny and re-spawn inside another location ( perhaps rivet ).

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Actually I think the good solution should be changed. Believe for the ghouls the right sol'n is to get them to migrate and join their brethren in DC proper, possibly you get paid to move them elsewhere vice kill them off. That might be scriptable/changeable in the game. As is the so called good sol'n is actually a bod one .... just another option.
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Yeah, I just finished Tenpenny Tower "peacefully". To come back a few days later (after letting Crowley know about Tenpenny... as I'd removed him from the equation prior to letting Roy know of the arrangement) to find all my new friends dead.


The doctor was a bit too 'on the fence' for me to care much... he didn't care on way or another about ghouls or people, just about his research studies. But the little old lady in the cafe, who I consoled after her coming to terms that her bigotry was hurtful, and then finding 'Dashing's room now empty; that just pushed me over the edge. I couldn't stop myself from loosing both barrels of my sidarm, The Kneecapper, into the back of Roy's head when he dismissed the killings as 'putting out the trash' and walked away from me.


My great sense of loss was deepened after I was forced to watch Michael get riddled with 5.56 from Jericho... and knowing that one of my best sources of .308 ammo was now dead. (Even though I'd had a good chuckle earlier when he'd told me that he'd "found" a good stash of weapons and ammunition to sell... and I couldn't find Gustavo anywhere. Heheheh.)

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