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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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IM working on a new weapon, but Im not sure if people will like the idea.

Its a MAC Fletchette launcher, fires 1mm tungston slivers that punch a whole through all soft objects(npc player bushes) in a straight line.


Extremly high firerate and very large clip, rather low damage as only 1mm rounds, heavy weapon needs powered armor of some type to use(at least what im thinking).


Detail isnt finished, not even near, hell its only around 2500 tris and 1248 vers so far and I havnt even deleted all the back faces, im wondering if people like the mg/assault rifle merge type deal or if I should give it a normal clip.




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calm down. I didnt said anything against you.

And "quatsch" dont mean "rubbish" :rolleyes:

I speak german, he too, why should I say it

in english :blink:


i apologize, i have no idea what you said, i tried to translate and it obiviously didn't work out right. :confused:

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lol crow and yoss :P

yoss just mentioned that its easier with TESgecko ;)



no idea... i like the clip but i cant imgaine it ingame :/ its maybe a bit too high





playtested a bit


fixed bugs, lots of them...


added icons


added a bit of "smallalk" dialogue


added a few companions (glory V the eyebot, Katya the raider)


improved companion follow script (getdistance + getcell not just getcell)


added assasins questline:

fullfill randomized assasinations throughout the wastelands cities

-still need tenpenny victims

-still needs testing

-still needs script finishing

-still needs to work flawlessly

-get hunted by assasins or headhunters in the good ol Morrowind DB style... (meaning theyll actually hunt you down and not just wait at a comfy train station...)


added a few retextured and remodelled vanilla clothes (better cowboyhat, black tenpenny suit, dark officer suit)

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still fixing bugs in the assasins questline


added whorehouse "The Blue Moon"

added blue moon trader for the vanilla remixes


retextured some vanilla clothes (trenchcoat, eulogy, tenpenny, buisness suit)


mixed up some weapons - for example smg becomes ar, 10mm pistol becomes sniper rifle, hunting + lincoln = big game hunting, snub nosed 44, silenced chinese pistol and so on... a whole bunch and im still testing and tweaking them...












problems/ to do:


some of the new guns need remodelling due to the animation idiocracy


assasins script isnt fully working


blue moon needs dialogue and quest


heroin zero's shop need better interior design


eyebot companion aint following through doors


blue moon boss needs his interior designed

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assasins questline seems to work now...


targets so far: 4x megaton, 4x rivet city, 2 x citadel, 3x dave's... tenpenny tower would be thinkable too i guess... but id like to test its functionality first...


they are random and are repeatable indefinately...


but be aware! being an assasins sets headhunters loose on you... stopping the assasins boss menace from handing out contracts would in turn send a hord of assasins after you :D

they dont patiently wait at train stations btw...


t'would be thinkable to have high profile assasinations as well, kill moriarty for example... any ideas on that?




im back at the "Blue Moon" side of the story now

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