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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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welcome, i like the way you represent yourself... (not the homepage style necessrily but more the wording)

as to the portofolio... well i dunno if we were professionals id turn you down i guess as i dont see any special skill on these renders... they are more or less generic and dont show off your personal special moves or somin if you know what i mean ;) basicly they offer no information to me that tells what youre able to or not...

but its good oyu included a link nevertheless :)

anyway... what do you wanna actually do? just make some models? have your own vendor? have special ideas? if you just wanna model a bit and see your stuff in the mod what about making some of the things i still need?

ganja plant, speedboat, cocktail glass, etc... and anything that woud be funky and chilling... fit the theme of a mutinee pirate jedi and hippie settlement on the high seas full of merchants of all kinds of background :D




update info:


got merchants to work properly :) had to make a whole new dialogue and each will need one if we want speech

and if someone knows how to make new topics it would help alot i guess or ill just stick with a modified rivet city dialogue which hopefully doesnt affect the vanilla one at all... quests are still much too logical for me :P

theyre nearly worse than scripts... anyway... its plain fun playing with the ai... captain red carp going boom is just too nice :P


included an empty room for a player home in the sub, with key... needs a quest or somin to gain the key... or plain merchandise... buy deed from cptn RC and additem key on activate or somin

could someone make me such a script pls?


and i need indoors for:

megaton commoner house - preferably a pubstyle theme

megaton burke house - preferably a radio shack


if you never did such thing:

right click the cell window

right click the left side list of the new window

select new

fill in any data... doesnt actually matter but pls start the id with AAHSCyourcellname

hit ok

just place respectively eg the com. house interior in the render view, clutter it and save the file... send me the esp

if you add custom items plz include model and texture or whatever it needs


thx :)

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damn a second ago i knew somin you could model too lol... ah just look at the picture and think of somin you would like to see there...





just got me a working system of house ownership... you buy a misc item called property id from cptn red carp (13k at 60 barter) and gain a key to the room(s)... :)

that was easy lol...


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sounds good :)

atm i have no real use for voice acting yet tho as i have only 2 one liners lol...

but afterall some quests, voices for all merchants, a radio station and a speaking parrot are utterly needed

maybe if you could make up some kind of dialogue for one of these uses/characters and send me a file i can put it ingame and well see how it comes along?

somin easy like:

"hehy! welcome to my shop of amazing things!"

"thx for your purchase, may gecko guide you!"


oh that reminds me i need some prayers to the god G.E.C.K.O.

and a gecko model nailed to a cross...


i guess if youre an actor you can put this in some kind of feasible emotions, passion and belief...

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no im honored :happy:

may i ask how one gets a job in the VR field? ô_Ô *bling* *bling*


dunno if thats possible with the exporters atm but do you think you could make such a billboard tree like those in oasis? coconut palmtrees are basicly what would rock the most :P

if not, no problem... on the first page i have collected some items i think the mod needs... but thats kinda variable...


things that just came to my mind:

the sub could need a work over too...

maybe some original shacks instead of the megaton ones

same goes for the platforms and structures

an original submarine interior fitting the exterior :P

thats just if you feel overly willing and just need to do such things to be happy... dont wanna force you into a 12h shift here... ;)


aight i think im off


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haha I am in vacation from this friday, so I can work on this.


Well, I entered the in VR field by pure luck (okay, and by my portifolio), but I am from Brazil.


about what to do, thats almost what I am doing, I will try to make an environment where it seems like we god pieces of anything to build it.


I will post a screen of what I am doing now soon, then I will explain better. =]

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