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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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ok =]


here it is, Let me explain.


I will work on structures (like houses around the sub) that uses part of objects, to get a better view of what should I do, I will model some objects separatedly, and fully, then take parts of them to make the structures.


this is the first one, a 737, made today, so there are a couple of things to do model, like some details and the landing gear, then go to texturing.


So, parts of this model will be used to make structures, perhaps the jets could be some sort of generator?









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nice :) (tho i think the 737 was invented late in the 60ties or early 70ties and thus would not be avaible... but nvm lol)

well itll only need gears if you intend to get a "ride" script from somehwere or you place it on a run way...

as pieces or a wreck site i dont think theyre that important


but that brings back an idea i had for episode 2... instead of building round a sub, building round a b52 ;)


or wait we could turn the island into the bermuda triangle and have all kinds of wrecks everywhere... even from different times :)

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Heya, I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for with the prayer to the gecko. If you want me to wait till there are more specific vendors I can do that to. I can only do male voices, but figured if there were unique npcs to the area you might want some unique voices for them. Let me know what types of characters (age, etc) you were thinking about for the area and I can record some demos or what not.
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atm youre a spanish chica :) thats good for marketing... h&m did the same... salma hayek made em rich :P


but anyway we need:



The Dude (radio station operator) (sex, race and age dont matter... id like a afrogerman girl but im flexible)

(radio shack is done)

-needs station announcements and maybe some simple greetings like "hey there", "how ya like me show?"

(mention, stuff like the mainland is still devestated, refugees have flocked a neighbouring island, etc... i dont think vanilla events should be featured as they would most likely have no impact on the archipel... if possibel just do it like a real world mod... talk about the song, how you love it, etc... id like to hear "django reihardt" "misissipi john hurt" "D%i&c$k! Justice - Cocaine" and do a search on "reefer songs" there are some really good ones... or just talk about some songs, gimme the voices and i add the music myself - have it all ondisc)

btw does anyone know if the doors and jimi are still copyright protected? id like some 60ties music but i dunno bout the right atm...


Captain Red Carp (cptn of the sub) (male, alpian, end 20ties to early 40ties, rough)

(needs a cabin)

-needs greetings, vendor text "wanna see my wares? sure have a look" somin like that


Growlf (lingerie trader) (male, 40-50, alpian)

(has a shop, needs a cabin)

-needs vendor text

Malo (dunno what does he sell anyway?)

(has shop, needs cabin)

-needs vendor text

Vash (afrogerman, 40+, male, rough)

(has shop, needs a cabin)

-needs vendor text

Brupo (mediterranian, portugese accent, mid 30ties, male)

(needs shop and cabin)

-needs vendor text

Carlos (mediterran, round 30, rough)


-needs some intimidatin stuff "dont touch it" "dont cause trouble or ill have to chop your head off and feed it to the mutarks")

Mrs Kant (female, japanese, sexy, receptionist, end 20ties)

some welcoming speech, a few directions maybe



if anyone wants changes say so... i cant possible imagine what you would like to have... carlos, cptn RC and the receptionits are more or less fixed but the rest is kinda interchangable...



plz if you make any voices also supply the text not just the sound files... i need it to work faster and make the dialogue without having to listen to each soundfile...



and a lil shot of growlfs/malos shop atm

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somin like that... but more soul, passion and heart... ;)

yours sounds more like "hello im gina, im blond, my hobbies are..."


better like that:

"welcome to Growlf's Secret, the most famous outfitter of all wasteland supermodels! have a look im sure youll find somin to suit you!" or somin...

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