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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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i think i took that from oblivion :P

was good to learn english... as was kotor or wing commander... briefing and wingman were some of my first englisch words... retarded lol


so if mom asks why youre still playing at 4am tell her your not playing but learning :D




just talked with malo about the addon implementation... results:


every merchant gets a container (later added merchants need to make their own)

each container will contain 20 levelled lists (less or more tell me - listMalo01 for example) which will be modified by each individual add on mod...

thus every addon gets ist own lvl list to modify and there wont be any conflicts...


so basicly all yo gotta do is:

-open the cs

-load the COMmain mod

-create your items

-scroll to the lvled items

-add your items to a lvl list named after you which you didnt change previously




maybe that even works with a base esp... i didnt look into esm conversion yet thus it would be neat


edit: lets try 15 lists... i fear the game might not be able to coop with over 100 lvl lists per mod...

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and another schmankerl for you to enjoy ;) ...and stay patient :P


progress report:


-a radio station including 8 new songs and 3 moderations, a hut and a dj (all 30ties style music)

-brupos shop

-growlf and malos shop splitted

-sleeping rooms or at least niches for every vendor

-two brahmins

-eddy the fly companion is too much dialogue for me to get him to work properly so he wont join the ranks... pity he looked damn cool...

-a log book for the captain

-a pub "the glowing camel inn" including barman and a bed for him

-a guard

-fixed some glitches



-needs more clutter


-a new dj with better equipment than a broken headset... which is basicly just a cable atm ;D

-a speedboat

-cocktail and whine glass

-ganja plant, bud, bag and joint

-a huge gun to put on the foredeck of the submarine

-a better logo for the camel inn

-somekind of fish that jumps around in the ocean from time to time (a dolphin for example)

-a parrot

-a gecko nailed to a wooden cross




esp to esm conversion is kinda broken atm... the radio station wont work and navmeshes are going crazy on an esm for some reason but probably due to the tool being made for oblivion rather than fallout (tes4gecko)


the addons work nevertheless on an esp too... it might be possible tho that you need to create a new lvl list for each item you create tho and add all these lists to the main list you use in your addon - in my trials i wasnt able so far to have the vendors sell more than one item from the list thus that option...


ill add soem more clutter here and there now and then release a beta V07 or somin


if you want to start creating addons yet just make a new mod and add your items to a lvl list which needs to be named: AAHSClistYOURNAME01 (-15)


vendors supported so far:





jaysus (hes cptn redcarp just so you dont search for him forever ;) )


el-sherif the barman has no lists

carlos, mrs kant and the dude dont sell anything


i have atm a conflict with non english versions as i changed the rivetcityvarter dialogue in a former state of the mod which i fixed by now but still that topic is marked as edited (the small asterix) and thus will load with the mod and make bannon and probably all other rivet city vendors speak english, same goes for radio station so i hope that doesnt matter as its just spoken dialogue and not text...

if anyone has an idea how to fix the asterix plz tell me :)




thx for the offer but atm i dont need textures or at least i dunno of what i could need some... maybe a submarine but i doubt youll find one :/

but if you have any idea which texture could be improved by your photos id be more than glad for any help :)

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the addon system only works for *.esm mainmods...

sadly there is no such tool as an esp to esm converter yet... tes4gecko works tho, it just looses the radio ability...



nvm lol... tes4gecko works fine except for the radio station and that can better be done in an addon anyway...


if you want to make an addon mod yet just do the following:


create a new mod

create your items

create a lvl list AAHSClistYOURNAME01 (till 15 - 1 for each addon) (exchange yourname with yourname aka: brupo, vash, growlf, malo, jaysus)

add your new items to it

save and done...


the mod is ready yet... im just a bit too tired to go and take screenshots aswell as upload it atm...


this doesnt mean that its over by no means... its never perfect ;) and its just episode one afterall hehe...

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