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Just enabled objects Invisible after fast travel


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As part of a new (Very awesome) mod, I am trying to enable a camp after speaking with an NPC in Leyawiin. After the correct topic, a script changes the quest stage. As part of the quest stage, a result script is run....


CTCampTrigger. Enable


All of the objects enable just fine if:


1. I stand at the camp location, and using the console, type setstage ctmtomb 20. All good. Everything is rendered and visible.


2. I COC (console command to that location) to leyawiin 3 sisters Inn, engage in converstation with my NPC to the point where stage 20 is reached and then COC back to the camp. All good. Everything is rendered and visible.


However if I COC to Leyawiin 3 sisters Inn and blah, blah, reach stage 20 as before, and then Fast Travel back to the camp. The camp is there.....It's just F..ing invisible. I can see the light from the invisible fire. I can even get fire damage from the invisible fire. My forward motion is stopped by the invisible tent.


I have not tried long traveling back to camp yet as is simply takes too long, (the camp is morthwest of Chorrol) so I don't know what happens then.


I've spent days on this one problem and I'm getting nowhere. After 5 months on this one mod. I'm just about ready to say Screw it.


Obviously, I can't release something like this. I would be very appreciative of any help you can give.





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Don't know if it's related, but I just noticed that in the same cell, the water is missing. Both in game and editor. In game, where the water is missing, I also can't swim, only walk on the bottom. Any ideas.

Edit......using liquid water.

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It sounds like a mod conflict overriding vanilla objects, especially since you can see the same result in the CS.
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It sounds like a mod conflict overriding vanilla objects, especially since you can see the same result in the CS.


Thanks Hickory,


Rebuilding the bashed patch actually did fix the water problem, although I would have never believed it.


For the camp not being visible after fast travel, though, is a different story. My mod is loaded dead last and the camp (tent, fire, etc.) objects all have unique IDs. Yet some how ONLY after fast travel back to the camp... Everything is there....Just invisible. Collision, lighting, etc is there, I just can't see it.


One time is did work as it should though, The NPC that is supposed to follow me back to the camp, well, at the time I had deleted his AI follow package. Yet, for some reason, he still made it back to the camp after I fast traveled there. When I got there, Everything was Perfect! Everything there and visible.


After I re-enabled his follow package, :wacko: the same results appear. Things ARE enabled and physically there. Just Invisible.


This is really strange....


Anybody? No idea is to small or to crazy.



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Just to rule out possible graphic card issues, does this happen if you fast travel anywhere else... anywhere other than your mod location?
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Just to rule out possible graphic card issues, does this happen if you fast travel anywhere else... anywhere other than your mod location?


Nope, that's the only place that I notice it. It only happens to the camp related objects, tent, fire, bedroll, chair and a few other things (All vanilla objects too) . the camp is located just outside a large manor with many other objects around, all of which behave normally. The camp objects behave normally too, if they are not initially disabled.


I have also tried fast traveling to a nearby location and walking to the camp and it is still invisible. It seems to be the actual act of fast travel itself that is causing this.

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How are you enabling the objects? What I mean is, are you using a hidden parent object, similar to the way that buying house content enables it in vanilla? Or are you using some other means... trigger zone etc? How about showing your script?
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Perhaps a bit off the wall ... but have you tried the 'coc center wait 72 hours plus a bit trick'?


Thanks, That does seem to clear it up. When I travel back, everthing is visible. Now I just need to find out how to stop it from happening. I don't want to release a mod with this kind of bug.

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How are you enabling the objects? What I mean is, are you using a hidden parent object, similar to the way that buying house content enables it in vanilla? Or are you using some other means... trigger zone etc? How about showing your script?


I'm using a hidden parent object.


A topic reslut script uses 'set CTMTomb.CTMT to 20' to set a variable to 20, the quest script sees that and sets the stage to 20.

Scriptname CTMTombQuest

short doonce

short doonce2

short CTMT ;the stage of the quest, set by dialogue result. So that the command will run after the dialogue is done.


Begin GameMode


If doonce == 0

if CTMT == 20


setstage CTMTomb 20


set doonce to 1





If doonce2 == 0


If CTMT == 22

setstage CTMTomb 22

set doonce2 to 1








Then the result script for the quest stage uses 'ctcamptrigger. Enable' to enable the camp.


I also found that If I save before fast traveling, then load that save, it worked normally. Everything is visible.


Also found that if I coc center, wait 72 hours and return, everything is visible.


Thanks for looking at this!

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