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Possible to make generators / turrets / ... require "fuel" ?

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Good evening everybody!


Yet another "high level idea" that will be probably impossible to actually implement because of stupid game limitations.

But anyway, here we go again ...


Is it possible to make generators and turrets (the not-electrical-powered ones) actually require "fuel" to run?


So as long as they have fuel, they run, but when they don't have any more fuel, they stop working and you have to refuel them.



Something like this is already in FO4: The "fusion cores" for PowerArmor.


So could this "game mechanic" somehow be used to realize something like this?




And also maybe have an MCM menu to configure the rate of fuel consumption, things like that ... (that would be the easy part).

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Yes totally doable, but the fuel consumption curve would need a timer and lots of turret actors running non Const scripts with ticking timers is another script time bomb (geddit ?). Here is some outline logic (no OCD people it is not an actual script);


ActorValue MyFuelState

GlobalVariable FuelConsumptionPerGameHour

OnLoad() CheckFuelState()

CheckFuelState() if MyFuelState <= 0 SetUnconscious True else False StartTimerGameTime()

OnTimerGameTime() MyFuelState -= FuelConsumptionPerGameHour.GetValue() | If MyFuelState < 0 MyFuelState = 0 | CheckFuelState()

FillFuel() If player has ListOfFuelItems MyFuelState += Value


You could stop the timer OnUnload and figure out the proportion of FuelConsumptionPerGameHour to deduct from MyFuelState.


Refuelling would Probably be an AddActivate Perk which could call that actors script FillFuel()

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