1tempus1 Posted January 11, 2013 Author Share Posted January 11, 2013 Very well, after few days of burned router it looks like it lives here :) Thank you all for your response, i try to sum ideas and create a consistent one and accept my apologies for so much time without response. First of all, i am not modder myself, i am just trying to find someone who actually can do that (as i possess nor skill nor SCK - i have only played skyrim at my friend's pc). So now i have read all replies (if i have missed some of them, please, remind me) and i think that it actually could be divided into 4 elements and 2 other powers. I have written them down and here they are: AIRcontains lightning and wind magic levitation, implosion, wind fist, maybe some kind of poisonous gas (like blizzard spell, only that it would be green), choking of enemy (steal an air from enemy, maybe some kind of vacuum spell) Levitation - hovering, like "Plankbreaker" has postedImplosion - vacuum like "KarlMarx2" has posted, two versions are available - dmg over time or instantWind fist - again spell like ice storm with pushing enemiesHaste - like shout, only castable (with lesser effect)Air cloak - pushing enemies (shouldn't be pushing enemies too far or too often, otherwise it would be too powerfull) - could be donbe like master spell with two hand cast and sustainableAir elemental - like lightning atronachAir spear - like ice spear, only invisible with minor pushAir choke - sustainable, slowing enemy down, draining stamina and after that healthPoisonous variants of spells above WATERcontains water and frost magic frost magic is quite good, maybe to add master spell like lightning storm but with frost dmg. Water magic - could be a problem like som of you have already stated, water spells should add additional lightning dmg to target while its wet. Waterwalking (already exist).Water lash - from lukyanenko book, it is a stream of water with great pressure, water mages are able boil or freeze water (frost magic). They can also turn water to acid.Water wave - something with the effect of frost strom, staggering enemy. Water armor - takes zero dmg from fire based attacks, takes bigger attacks from lightningWaterwalking and waterbreathing are self explanatoryWater elemental - one great idea, probably something like frost atronach, plenty of hp with som water based spells (it is from lukyanenko books too) FIREFlamethrower - master spell like lightning storm EARTHcontains earth magic and transformations transformations are already ingame, druids are playable this way Earth cloak - greatly increase armor and lower staggeringEarthquake - slow enemies down, master spellBoulder toss - few warriants with normal impact or explode upon impactSand storm - master spell like blizzardSand beam - ultimate spell of earth magician, lightning storm effect, sand flying at great speeds Menhir - sharp piece of rock emerge from ground, throwing enemy to the airSummon ent - earth magician atronach, maybe remodeled giantSummon spriggan and other animal for druids/nature magicians - selfexplanataroy, already present in other mods DARK MAGICshadowbending - for slowing down/immobilisation of enemies, higher level spells could choke or stab enemies soul spells - like in diablo 2 "Bone Spirits are slow-moving, homing missiles that will track targets for quite a distance off the screen." Summon void - summons a void that will suck enemies back rendering there movement usless for a ciertan time, and allso sucking in anny summons and sending them to oblivion (15 sec)Dark Bolt - shoot a bolt of dark energy that will damage and devour you enemys life force (5 hp per 10 sec effects dont stack)Demon binds - Bind your enemy rendering them useless for a cieatan time (10 sec)Dark Cloak - Dark energy based on the Frost, Fire, Lighting cloak spells (special effects you character has a dark aura around him/her that resonates and drains enemy Magicka, Health, Stamina ranging from the length 10m to your locations this should be more powerfull on the distance of the victim starting from 1-10 points per sec)Summon Void Antronch - Summons a dark antronach to battle along side you for 5 minutesLife Syphon (Master Level Magic) - syphon the health of the opponents around you ( 10 Sec Durration/ 25 hp pers sec) not to make it too op this is looking very good to further enhance conjurers and restoration magic as well. LIGHT MAGIChealing, lasers, fortify HOLY/LIGHT Bolt of light - shoot a bolt of light that will damage enemies ( 15 hp at noob level) (dealing exrea damage to undead and deadra)Light cloak - Same as dark cloak just instead incresing hp regen rate by 20%Pilar of light (expert dual Handed Magic) - Summons a pilar of light that follows your character restoring hp depending on level (starting From 10 hp per sec lasting 3 minutes)Summon Angel - You summon an angel that will heal you and your follower and aid you in battle with deadly magic and healing spells also casting auras to increse your ability in battle (lasting 10 min but using mama as its summoned cast spell again to disperse)Power of light - will enchant your weapon to deal more damage (10dmg) (dealing exrea damage to undead and deadra 20dmg)Devine mercy - enchants your armour (every component helmet, boots, armour ect) (special effects your armour starts to reflect white and changes for into a holy armour These are great ideas too. That contains lasers (or light manipulation) and healing. I think that could be spells that increase dmg dealth by character, something like arcane warrior from dragon age. Yeah, i know that it is already in other mod (quite a lot of that) but it is not meant to be like elemental magic and it is not very balanced. And i would like to have a feeling that i cast wind fist when i cast wind fist, not a sound lik i puch them with frying pan (namely with force bash). My intention is to propose something, that could (in my opinion) prolong gaming experience with this fantastic game. I have played a mage like character which belongs to my friend and it was quite awesome but i think that magic is not finished in this game. I have seen just a few mods of this so far, but i think that mods that "ilikecheese1337" has mentioned are not very balanced (my opinion, possible my mistake) and these are not mods overhauls that could do much to roleplaying (again my opinion). I dont turn down any of these mods because they are great and their authors did a very good job, only suggesting some possibilities to some further enhancements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElvenHeroine Posted February 11, 2013 Share Posted February 11, 2013 *SPOILER* >>>>>>> There is an earth-like atronach you can summon coming in the Dragonborn DLC called an Ash Guardian. :) Skyrim works in the following disciplines: Alteration, Summon, Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration. You can use Summon for various elementals - Stone Golems, Air Elementals, and Water Elementals. I would suggest looking at what is already available first in monster mods, then if not look at these for examples of what to use Take a look: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OM8U5jk53ao/TlqKIELs8qI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/QKcOvwxuTRk/s1600/stonegolem.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1ROmISZNJHw/TiQXJpYMQ5I/AAAAAAAAAQQ/InbCgoOljQg/s1600/air_elemental.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110803175710/wowwiki/images/thumb/8/82/BoundTorrent.jpg/506px-BoundTorrent.jpg Those are my recommendations to observe what an elemental of such would look like. When it comes to alteration you can consider such things as: Stoneskin, Levitation, Jump (increased jump height like in Might and Magic games), Resistance spells, and Waterwalk as well as water breathing. When it comes to illusion, well that is hard to consider at this moment. For Destruction you can consider: Gust for Wind, Tornado for ultimate Splash for Water, Geyser for Ultimate Stone throw for Earth, and Avalanche for Ultimate I don't know what to consider for restoration, probably turn back from stone for Earth, Remove Poison for Water, and Remove Dizziness for Air (similar to Frenzy from heroes of Might and magic). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
philbydorro Posted May 10, 2013 Share Posted May 10, 2013 I was thinking 'Boots of Levitation' would be cool, maybe move at Sprint speed without Stamina drain or something like that.Perhaps just a temporary effect as part of a Dragon Shout, coupled with Shock damage to anything that strikes you for melee damage.I haven't seen anything like that as yet, haven't looked too hard yet though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Araanim Posted July 27, 2015 Share Posted July 27, 2015 I know this is a really old thread, but if anyone's still looking there have been some good elemental mods:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=462233862&searchtext=water+destruction http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=199605266 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laereal Posted July 27, 2015 Share Posted July 27, 2015 I know this is a really old thread, but if anyone's still looking there have been some good elemental mods: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=462233862&searchtext=water+destruction http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=199605266 Just piping up to say that those are also available here on Nexus. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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