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Custom World space not loading up


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In brief, I have built an enclosed world-space (mountains) a little larger than Whiterun Hold. Ever since the beginning of the project I have found that when in a cell and building ruins, towns and the city, world editing e.t.c. That the cells around the one I am in are completely grey, as though there is nothing there. Though I have created the entire world-space this problem still persists, I'm on one side of a river and the other is greyed out as though it does not exist, when I scroll over the cell appears but the others disappear.


I didn't worry until I began play testing the actual world-space, in-game, as I assumed that this was just the world editors easy way of generating much larger worlds. However now that I've play tested the world I have found the same problem persisting, where I will stand on a mountain but see only grey in the distant, adjacent cell instead of the cinematic view I tried to create. As I'm sure you can tell, I can't have all the weeks I put in this mod be set down by the simple fact it won't load the cells.


Also the world in question is still rough, in case of wondering.


Thanks in advance for those who answer! :)

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Also whenever I leave a cell all my mountain pieces e.t.c. just disappear, they're still there just invisible... Which yes I know wounds wierd but you can still select them, cutting them and pasting them in place makes them visible again but it's a bug that has realllllllllllllllly gotten on my nerves for mountain construction...
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