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console not working?


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I'm using the alt launcher for mods. Under setting I set command line start option "-Review -NoRedscreens -NoStartupMovies –AllowConsole", without quotes. I know that the start up movies part is working, but when in game and I use "~" key, which brings up the console in other games. Nothing happens in this game. I only added the last 2 commands. The first 2 were there already. Not sure what they do. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for reply. Finally found the issue. I had the command in Shortcut spelled with all lower case letters. I changed "-AllowConsole" to "-allowconsole" and like magic the console now works. Shows how something small can have a big impact. Issue solved.

BTW: Using US English keyboard so it is the ~ key. Just above tab key.

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