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Level up messages where to put the text? LUM mod 20-75

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Then you're doing it wrong.

I did a search and replaced to 'oblivion.ini' with the lum levels text


sLevelUp21=this message doesn't appear on levelup for level 21.


I have the gog version + script extender


In the dvd version, I could find the levelup vars in 'oblivion.ini'


In the gog version, there is no oblivion.ini file only the 'default_oblivion.ini'


Yes, tried adding it into the default file as well.


sLevelUp20=this message doesn't appear on levelup for level 21.


Same effect, no changes. I modified it within oblivion folder. I'll try using user folder. The oblivion version I had of lum levels was located in the 'obivion.ini file'. If anyone still has the old mod file, please upload it.



I'll just make a mod to the bsa menu files directly to add the level names. It will need modify the xml menu file.

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In the Construction Set (CS) click on Gameplay select Settings and scroll down to sLevelUp20 (which is the highest level up message available). Click on sLevelUp20 and you'll see the level 20 levelup text "By superhuman effort ..." displayed in the String value box. From what Maskar has said I believe that is the text you'll need to replace.

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In the Construction Set (CS) click on Gameplay select Settings and scroll down to sLevelUp20 (which is the highest level up message available). Click on sLevelUp20 and you'll see the level 20 levelup text "By superhuman effort ..." displayed in the String value box. From what Maskar has said I believe that is the text you'll need to replace.

Yes, but I have change that at every level. It's less hassle just to fix the menu system. It will take a while to figure out how it works. Then I can just fuse lum levels directly into the menu system.

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I seem to recall from the dvd edition. The name was 'slevelup_default'.


I'm currently using the GotY DVD and in the past I used a DVD version that came bundled along with Bioshock (Oblivion on that disk wasn't version 1.2.0416 so it needed to be updated with the official patch). I checked my archived Oblivion.ini files from both my previous characters (one used the GotY version and one the bundled version) and current character (GotY) and sLevelUp was not in Oblivion.ini for any of those characters (nor was slevelup_default when I just checked for that).


If you had that in your Oblivion.ini then either you or some mod added it ... it's not vanilla.


- Edit - Maskar did point out that scripting would be the way to go for changing that text at each level up.

Edited by Striker879
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In the Construction Set (CS) click on Gameplay select Settings and scroll down to sLevelUp20 (which is the highest level up message available). Click on sLevelUp20 and you'll see the level 20 levelup text "By superhuman effort ..." displayed in the String value box. From what Maskar has said I believe that is the text you'll need to replace.

I got to work. LUM level oblivion must have done that.


Can you add more vars settings? Like 'sLevelUp21=some text'.

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In the Construction Set (CS) click on Gameplay select Settings and scroll down to sLevelUp20 (which is the highest level up message available). Click on sLevelUp20 and you'll see the level 20 levelup text "By superhuman effort ..." displayed in the String value box. From what Maskar has said I believe that is the text you'll need to replace.

I got to work. LUM level oblivion must have done that.


Can you add more vars settings? Like 'sLevelUp21=some text'.



I have no idea whether or not the game engine would support that. Maybe via some OBSE function but then it's beyond a simply click this, type in that situation ... i.e. scripting or coding a custom DLL (which is in Maskar's wheelhouse but beyond my own paygrade).

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I seem to recall from the dvd edition. The name was 'slevelup_default'.


I'm currently using the GotY DVD and in the past I used a DVD version that came bundled along with Bioshock (Oblivion on that disk wasn't version 1.2.0416 so it needed to be updated with the official patch). I checked my archived Oblivion.ini files from both my previous characters (one used the GotY version and one the bundled version) and current character (GotY) and sLevelUp was not in Oblivion.ini for any of those characters (nor was slevelup_default when I just checked for that).


If you had that in your Oblivion.ini then either you or some mod added it ... it's not vanilla.


- Edit - Maskar did point out that scripting would be the way to go for changing that text at each level up.


'oblivion.ini' in both main folder and the documents folder?


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