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Finishing Dawnguard before main quest - possible conflict?


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I can't remember any issues. I remember playing a Dawnguard Vampire hunter before doing the MQ. So I finished Dawnguard then I started the MQ, and no issues. Not even any issues in immersion-braking. When you meet the zombie dragon (can't remember his name) he says something along the lines of "Greetings Dov. *blablabla*" then when you ask why he called you Dov (Dov=Dragon) he says it was simply his nature, which would imply that you are Dragonborn in Skyrim no matter if you do the main quest or not. Pretty good there Bethesda.

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My only concern is the dialogue choice with Serana where you ask "Hey, I know what that is! It's one of those Elder Scrolls!" Which if you haven't completed elder knowledge during which based on the dialogue the Dragonborn clearly did NOT know about Elder Scrolls. So if you do them out of order the Dragonborn seems to know about Elder Scrolls before hand, and then completely forgets about their existence around Paarthurnax. So then you already have it right before your fight with Alduin.


Speaking of which, am I the only one who finds it odd that somehow no NPC is ever surprised at how proactive you are. You can complete a quest before it's even given and they think nothing of it.

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Speaking of which, am I the only one who finds it odd that somehow no NPC is ever surprised at how proactive you are. You can complete a quest before it's even given and they think nothing of it.

Some NPCs will notice it. For instance, Farengar is impressed if you already have the dragonstone when you first meet him. This is definitely the exception rather than the rule in this game, though.


Back to the OP, you can actually get the Elder Scroll needed for the MQ and Dawnguard without starting either one. Just go to Septimus Signus' outpost on your own, and he'll give you the Discerning the Transmundane quest regardless of whatever else you have or haven't done in the game.

Edited by dukesilver28
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