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createfullactorcopy Question


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Okay, I have the Castle Seaview mod (Love it, by the way). There are a couple of wandering guards around the castle. Here's the thing: I want more.


I want to use the createfullactorcopy like I did with some other generic NPCs, I just want to know if anything changes. Do their schedules change, are they stationary, etc.

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Createfullactorcopy just creates a copy of the NPC with no AI. You can assign AI packages with 'addscriptpackage <AIpackageEditorID>' but the packages aren't persistent on the NPC (you leave the cell and they revert to no AI). For experimentation use 'addscriptpackage a3a59' (wander current location), 'addscriptpackage a3a5a' (sleep current location) and 'addscriptpackage 9828a' (follow player ... will persist as long as they stay with you).


Generally speaking NPCs created this way aren't very satisfying. In fact their limitations is what got me started tinkering in the Construction Set.

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