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iActivate addon to hide value and weight of items


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I recently discovered this mod:




And I really love its utility and simplicity, it really adds to immersion. However I can't seem to find any mod out there which removes the info which appears when you hover over loose items in the world. For example your character looks at a cheese wheel and just by looking at it you know exactly how much it weighs and what its exact market value is... I never really stopped to think about how unrealistic that is.


But I've searched the net and I can't seem to find anything which mods this... I've tried to mod it myself but I can't make heads or tails out of any of the .swf editors out there. I suppose it would be very easy for someone who already knows what they're doing, so perhaps a kind soul out there could click a few buttons and share their work?


Thanks in advance if anyone even sees this! :)

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