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does anyone mind dragonborn is delayed because of ps3?


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That s ridiculous, why the pc version should go out the same time the ps3 one? How can bethesda do that and why there is not much complain about it on the nexus? Are you guys really gonna accept that?


I for my own decided to uninstall the game completly from my computer, because of this and also because skyrim in general is a poor poor excuse of an rpg.Even after a year there is not much interest in this game . Mods are fun but the bugy creation kit is making quest mods very hard to make.This Dlc delay just been the drop making me uninstall this game.

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They prolly just wanna do a world release of them togheter, i would chill if i was you, it will come :biggrin:


Myself think it's a wonderfull RPG, much better then avarage in my taste,



cant realy say the interest is decreasing, would more say it is increasing, the mods are getting more and more, and the quality of the mods are getting so much better,

give it a try again in some months and you will probably like it better :thumbsup:



Chive on mate!

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Obviously the people who are shouting about never buying Bethesda games again/uninstalling their games/waiting for the sales so they get less money from them were simply just not that interested in the first place. I think a lot of the rage that's been going on is pretty petty, and the situation makes sense, if only they spent the time to look at it from a business' point of view. If you want any good games in the future they have to make as much money as possible. The guys at Bethesda LOVE making games, they want to make the games they and we want to play, but if management says they have to do something a certain way to avoid loss of income then that's how they have to roll.
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You don't make money by refusing to sell your product. You also don't create loyal customers by spitting at them. Quite a few companies still haven't grasped these simple truths.


Since when have they refused? How do you know they have the final version of Dragonborn sitting on their servers? That is a possibility, but it's just as likely they're not finished with it, ironing out the bugs, improving the textures to match the high-res. download, so on.

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You don't make money by refusing to sell your product. You also don't create loyal customers by spitting at them. Quite a few companies still haven't grasped these simple truths.


Since when have they refused? How do you know they have the final version of Dragonborn sitting on their servers? That is a possibility, but it's just as likely they're not finished with it, ironing out the bugs, improving the textures to match the high-res. download, so on.


They didn't do this for Hearthfire or for Dawnguard, so what makes you so sure they'll do it for Dragonborn?


If it comes out this week, I'll buy it. If it comes out any later, I won't until it's on sale, because I won't have the free time to do anything with it until next summer.

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I'm not sure what they are thinking on the whole delaying PC launch.


I suppose there is some concept behind that they will make more money this way. I would think the PC version resembled the XBox version a little bit more though. I suppose they know best and we PC players just have to wait. Removing the game from your computer isn't going to do anything. You already bought it and you aren't paying a subscription.

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So your complaining because it's delayed for a little bit? You do know ps3 doesn't have any dlcs yet right? You should be happy that you got the first two already, though I'm not saying that beth is doing a great job right now just that you should calm down and be patient. Edited by dragonchris152
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Eh...doesn't bother me much honestly. I'd rather thay spend some extra time refining it rather than just rushing it out the door...fewer bugs = happy gamers! It'll come when it comes so take a deep breath and relax. ^^
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