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I have been using the nexus since Oblivion. I love modding the game with everyones amazing mods, Ya'll have alot of talent. I don't create my own mods as I'm not that knowlegable. I have a question I need to ask regarding different body problem with clothes and without and I want to make sure I pose the question in the right forum (didn't really see a clear section description for it). I also have screen shots showing the difference but they are adult in nature and was wondering if that's a no-no. I noticed in the rules section it mentioned (users of all ages) but didn't specifically say anything regarding adult content.


Thanks for all the amazing mods guys, maybe we'll get a Fallout 5 eventually!



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Before anybody can help we'd need to know what game you are having the body problem with (about the only one eliminated at this point is Fallout 5).


As far as posting NSFW or general consumption pics to illustrate your issue I'd advise doing a little editing in something like PaintDotNET before posting ... either cropping out the nasty bits or covering them up (I've seen everything from smiley faces to black rectangles to what appeared to be spray paint ... pick your poison).

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If you can just describe the problem then you won't need the pic, but I know how many words pictures are worth. I'd suggest posting in one of the Fallout 4 forums, maybe Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting. You'll get eyes on the problem by people familiar with troubleshooting Fallout 4 whereas here is primarily new people introducing themselves and such, and so there are many who don't even venture onto this forum.

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