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Werewolf Inventory Realism


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I have this mod idea for Werewolf Players. It won't work for everyone since some people don't mind how it currently works, but this is intended to add immersion and also logical "realism" to Werewolf gameplay.


In Vanilla Skyrim when you become a Werewolf you unequip everything and esentially become "naked". When the transformation period ends you revert to your normal form "naked" with your inventory intact. The only exceptions are quest NPCs which auto-equip their gear once their scripted Werewolf TF ends. This is not "realistic". Its convenient, but not realistic.


This Mod idea has two modes. Realism mode and Convenient Mode.


Realism Mode

When beast mode (werewolf form) is activated, the game drops all of your non-quest inventory on the ground exactly where you stand. Stacks of items will remain in stacks to the best of the game's ability and any Gold you carry will be in a single coin purse. Logically when you turn into a Werewolf you'll be too big to wear your equipment and you don't have anywhere to keep your stuff on your body so you can't carry it anywhere. The items themselves can be stored in a special container at this location to help prevent them from the random "fall through the world" bug that can happen in certain locations (such as when you are hit with a Disarm shout in a dungeon and your weapon falls completely through the floor).


How will you get your stuff back? That can be handled in a few ways. The first is a Quest Marker so you "remember" where you were when you turned Werewolf and can travel back to get your gear. Second, you can ask the nearest guard to send someone to get your items. Third, your follower can do it for you if you ask them to do it. Once you get your items back your previously equipped armor and weapons will be re-equipped automatically like they do for Vampire Lord, provided you have them marked as favorites or something.


Convenient Mode

For those that like the "vanilla" method more. Your inventory stays with you. Once you return to human form, your equipped armor and weapons will re-equip automatically much like they do with Vampire Lord provided the items are marked as favorites or something.


This might require SKSE and in fact I support its use especially since I wouldn't mind seeing an MCM config menu for it in SkyUI 3.0. That would be awesome. So, anyone have comments on the feasibility of this idea?

Edited by MarkusFox
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I'm sure someone could copy-paste the code-lines from the Dawnguard vampire lord.

It has all the things you listed in the convenient mode. (actually, the only thing that stops me from trying a werewolf playtrought is that I can't revert form as I can when I'm a vamp lord)


I'm not sure the about the realism mode though.

Don't get me wrong, immersion is important for me, but when I have to go back to the begenning of a cript or something just to pick up my stuff, I'd rather ignore realism, because what you suggested would get annoying very fast.

Edited by Gerandirr
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I'm sure someone could copy-paste the code-lines from the Dawnguard vampire lord.

It has all the things you listed in the convenient mode. (actually, the only thing that stops me from trying a werewolf playtrought is that I can't revert form as I can when I'm a vamp lord)


I'm not sure the about the realism mode though.

Don't get me wrong, immersion is important for me, but when I have to go back to the begenning of a cript or something just to pick up my stuff, I'd rather ignore realism, because what you suggested would get annoying very fast.


That's why Convenient Mode exists. I did say not everyone is going to enjoy the idea of going back to X location to grab their stuff. Its a roleplay/immersion thing, purely. And its also why Realism Mode at least has an offered option of you talking to someone to have them go grab your stuff for you and bring it back. Perhaps they'll give you a shirt to wear while you wait. They will jog/run to get your stuff and if the person is not your follower or a "friend", you'll have to pay a fee for their trouble. :)



I don't mind either or both being turned into a mod in the long run. I just got tired of the whole "oh hey I'm naked and have to manually put my crap back on" deal with werewolves. And from a roleplay point of view I like the idea of having to find some clothes to wear ASAP before I go get my stuff or have someone get them for me. That and it puts you in a vulnerable state if you aren't a magic thrower so you gotta avoid fights as well while you're getting your stuff back..

Edited by MarkusFox
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  • 3 weeks later...
i would love this idea. hopefully someone will make it. somthing like this has already been done in http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11028 but that was last updated in march and even then had a whole bunch of features and bugs that i dident want. id also like the idea of everything gets destroyed so you have to relay on the crappy fur and iron weapons you get of bandtis etc
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