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health and stam regen from magicka


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Simply put I'm terrible when it comes to code/ck, but I want to tweak in game regen a bit.

would like to make health and stamina regenerate when damaged from your magicka pool at 5% of your current magicka per second and remove that amount from your magicka pool.

If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

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There is a perk in the restoration perk tree called ''respite''.

It makes you regenerate stamina along with your health.

Or you want that to happen automaticly ?


Hi, I appreciate the reply.

What I meant was that rather than have your health and stamina regenerate from nothing, actually have the regeneration come at the cost of your mana.

for instance, you get hit for 50 damage, that 50 damage would heal up, but cost mana to facilitate the healing, but without a spell being cast.

kind of like an automatic healing spell I suppose, but without taking up a hand.

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