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What Fallout 4 Should Be


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My name is Lokor, and a while back i got tired of waiting for Fallout 4. I loved Fallout 3 and I to tide myself over i decided to start up a small blog and write my version of Fallout 4. It's nothing that big, it really didn't have anyone following it so i didn't put too much effort into it. However I've been hearing more news about Fallout 4 recently with Bethesda Scouts in MIT and Three Dog tweeting about a possible sequel, so i decided i would bring it here to the nexus forums.




WhatFallout4ShouldBe is just that, my take on what it should be. In my head it's set in Boston, it has the institute, it has Brotherhood Outcasts and it has a lot of smaller factions. Basically the outcasts have come to take any research the institute has, but the Institute refuses to had it over to ex-military. I thought the player character could start in a vault under the Institute, a vault that would be used as Institute scientists as a giant human research testing lab (Which might explain how they were able to create androids).


I would love feedback from any fallout fans, on the blog or by emailing my at [email protected], or commenting on the site. I would love criticism, discussion, art, or new ideas. I am open to people changing my mind on certain things however, it does have to adhere to certain rules, mainly that is in Boston and is centered around the Institute.




I have read the Nexus forum rules and haven't found any rule that says i shouldn't be posting this. It does have a bad advertising clause but i feel I've adequately explained my blog. With this in mind I am more than willing to co-operate with any forum administrators.

Edited by Lokor
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Not Sure about the Outcasts the Brotherhood is like that introvert living next door he barely comes out but whenever he sees you with anime he freaks out and steals it from you and runs away or threatens you with his katana.


The True Brotherhood lacks numbers severely so it became a plot point in New Vegas, Fallout Tactics, meh in fallout 3 but mentioned by the outcasts and Capital Brotherhood


I think fallout 4 unfortunelty will take place in Boston Really want the midwest or central america (the plains not Latin America) to be expanded upon


The Question is What is the institute a small nations, a building, or maybe something like the Pre Doomsday Divide a small budding community strong off of the prewar tech strewn about and largely untouched.

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I have absolutely no problem with Boston being FO4's locale. In fact, I approve. There is a very clear lead-in to it from FO3's android quest (that mention of "the Institute"). Also, totally had enough of wide-open spaces in NV - let's get back to a serious urban environment, thanks. ;) Edited by 7thsealord
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I love the Urban-ism idea. DC was like 1/4 the size of New Vegas and yet i spent way more time going through it. You could walk around not knowing what was going to happen, attack by super mutants, Talon assassins, or random crazy with a megaphone. That's why i love the idea of having more groups too. You wouldn't know what to expect while walking through the streets, but you know that whatever happens, it's going to matter, it's going to be a memorable moment in the story.
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Fallout actually seems to be a tv show. The trademark "Fallout" was applied for by Bethesda Softworks on January 8th. This is all what the new tease seems to be about. Here's more information and the exact source of my information:



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Fallout actually seems to be a tv show. The trademark "Fallout" was applied for by Bethesda Softworks on January 8th. This is all what the new tease seems to be about. Here's more information and the exact source of my information:




I just came here to post the same thing. So now I have to really wonder what's going on, but I'm extremely interested in seeing what Bethesda's working on right now :biggrin:

Edited by AxlRocks
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Fallout actually seems to be a tv show. The trademark "Fallout" was applied for by Bethesda Softworks on January 8th. This is all what the new tease seems to be about. Here's more information and the exact source of my information:




I just came here to post the same thing. So now I have to really wonder what's going on, but I'm extremely interested in seeing what Bethesda's working on right now :biggrin:



Indeed. However, there is already a new Mad Max sequel coming out and all I want out of Fallout is games. Same for the elder scrolls; I dont want to see a movie or tv show about it, no, I want to play the game.


On the other hand, they also applied for trademarks back in 08 and 07 that carry the same titles except one was listed as a motion picture, yet they never came to fruition. I'm wondering if this is all just pointless crap and if their still working on a game for the series. I just want games, lol.

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Well what my opinion on what Fallout 4 should be.


You never go down from a game, you build up from it. You always look beyond your reach of what the next game should be, both in terms of graphics and breath. Fallout 3 was a great game, amazing, huge, exploring, tons of fun stuff, tons of neat stuff. Fallout NV sadly wasn't much different, basically same engine, same graphics, smaller landscape, bunch of useless places, it wasn't a "step up" in the fallout world, it as basically Fallout 3 part 2.


The next Fallout needs to be on the scope of the world. Think destroyed world, the entire landscape at your disposal to visit. Fallout meets Xcom. Your basic lone wanderer needs to step up to the big leagues. You already amass tons of caps, weapons, items and exp from playing, your not a kid anymore. There needs to be major organizations you can join, or even create yourself. World encompassing ones. There are thousands of places you can make up to reach and visit, and thats just in the US. Imagine the locations you can dream up all over the world. How about the lone wanderer taking his 10mm over to egypt, or the amazon, etc.


Plus they need to totally redo perks, skills, etc. It isn't hard to max out many skills, they need to make the game much more skill restrictive so you can't be a jack-of-all trades in all skills easy getting level 100 at level 20. You need to actually focus on a skill set. You need perks that are useful, most perks are NEVER chosen due to their uselessness. They need to be adjusted so you can pick ANY perk and have it useful.

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Plus they need to totally redo perks, skills, etc. It isn't hard to max out many skills, they need to make the game much more skill restrictive so you can't be a jack-of-all trades in all skills easy getting level 100 at level 20. You need to actually focus on a skill set. You need perks that are useful, most perks are NEVER chosen due to their uselessness. They need to be adjusted so you can pick ANY perk and have it useful.


I'm more on the side of customization actually. I agree that it'[s a bit ridiculous to have a player character that is amazing at everything. But i did recently go back and do a replay of New Vegas. I made it so i got way more skills and perks. It was ridiculous, but really, really fun. I would ultimately be in favor of something like the Mod configuration Menu incorporated into the game. To ensure that everyone can have their own experience.

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