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Req. Conventional Weapons


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There's too many gun freaks out in the real world so i stop bothering to even read that huge chunk of words on the specific guns... :P


Think about it, in the duration of 200 years, nobody said that they had to remain in the 50s all the time... There could be underground trading and gun smithing that somehow provides the common people to access it (for a price, since they know they can sell without being prosecuted by the government).


The possibilities for a ton of changes in 200 years is quite huge, if you think about it from a simulated point of view (not a book point of view).


If you take a do a bit of research, you'd easily found out that there are many guns that were created in the early 1900s but somehow didn't make it in the game? For example I found the Colt M1911 from 1911 that was for the 1st world war.


EDITED: somehow the gun I posted before the edit was actually a revolver (.45), it was a handgun i was talking about.

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Having said what I said in my previous, however - Wreckless, I can appreciate where you're coming from in trying to edumacate - my dad's a target pistol shooter, and having been raised on gun safety and shooting principles, I find myself having a lot of similar discussions with friends of mine.


But on the other hand, it IS just a game, and no matter how often you rant about the misinformation that's so rampant, not everybody (heck, I'd venture not most, even) is going to read it all. And you're getting so worked up about it that oftentimes you're looking like a buzzing whirlwind of pure, unbridled rage. Instead of, y'know, likable. Or, sometimes, reasonable.


As I said, I can understand it, my friend, but I think you're fighting an uphill battle. On a mountain of ice. Wearing roller skates. And being pulled toward the foot of the slope by a giant, mutated snapping turtle :D



A man who wouldn't buy a Mateba Unica 6 to shoot, but thinks they look pretty nifty regardless, and didn't know they were in cartoons till you told him.

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I know its already posted alot , but heres a list of weps i would die to see in FO3




-double barreled shotgun





-Bren/type 99

-Barrett .50 cal


And some types of equipable scopes , and some apature sights or red dot would be nice

Also Heres some armor that would be amazing

-Halo Master Chief armor -How about American Soldier WWII standard regailia

-halo ODST armor

-Starcraft Marine Armor

-Darth Vader armor

-StormTrooper armor

-----Super mutants wearing natzi regailia in a new place while all the brotherhood people in American uniforms-Can i get a hell yeha?

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Having said what I said in my previous, however - Wreckless, I can appreciate where you're coming from in trying to edumacate - my dad's a target pistol shooter, and having been raised on gun safety and shooting principles, I find myself having a lot of similar discussions with friends of mine.


But on the other hand, it IS just a game, and no matter how often you rant about the misinformation that's so rampant, not everybody (heck, I'd venture not most, even) is going to read it all. And you're getting so worked up about it that oftentimes you're looking like a buzzing whirlwind of pure, unbridled rage. Instead of, y'know, likable. Or, sometimes, reasonable.


As I said, I can understand it, my friend, but I think you're fighting an uphill battle. On a mountain of ice. Wearing roller skates. And being pulled toward the foot of the slope by a giant, mutated snapping turtle :D



A man who wouldn't buy a Mateba Unica 6 to shoot, but thinks they look pretty nifty regardless, and didn't know they were in cartoons till you told him.





Very good points, truly. I appreciate your tact, too. :) I'll admit that when I'm going mostly train-of-thought at 75wpm it's damn easy to come off with the wrong tone and I am sorry about that. Sadly I've seen damn few times where being nice about something was actually conducive to making a good point. I'll give it a try though!


But honestly my goal isn't to get everyone 100% educated. I know that's a losing battle like whoa. But I know a few people read it, and maybe a few of them will remember some tidbit and I'm perfectly happy with that.


PS the Snapping Turtle is named Shellmaster Pooky and he likes to wear an eyepatch.

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Sadly I've seen damn few times where being nice about something was actually conducive to making a good point.

QFT - unfortunately this IS the case too often. Or at least, getting the point listened to by anyone. Damn shame, though.


PS the Snapping Turtle is named Shellmaster Pooky and he likes to wear an eyepatch.

Bwaaahahahahahahahahaaaa! That's effin' awesome!!!

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I slap this thread my my official OH HELL YES! I just LOVE the M4a1 and M13. PLEASE someone start working on these. NOAW!


As for animations, this page of the GECK wiki talks about animations.

Bethesda hasn't released the KF format YET, so at the moment animations aren't possible but soon they will be.


*PS, no hell yes to the guy above. Sorry, but I just don't like Halo.

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Actually, the M14 would fit perfectly. It's basically a full-auto M1 Garand with 20 round removable box magazines and it looks similar to the in-game G3. It even has a wood stock.



For the M14 be sure to use the sniper rifle or Chinese AR animations because on an M14 you have to reach across to pull the charging handle back.


I know its already posted alot , but heres a list of weps i would die to see in FO3




-double barreled shotgun





-Bren/type 99

-Barrett .50 cal


And some types of equipable scopes , and some apature sights or red dot would be nice

Also Heres some armor that would be amazing

-Halo Master Chief armor -How about American Soldier WWII standard regailia

-halo ODST armor

-Starcraft Marine Armor

-Darth Vader armor

-StormTrooper armor

-----Super mutants wearing natzi regailia in a new place while all the brotherhood people in American uniforms-Can i get a hell yeha?


To sum it up:


-might be done soon

-in the works




-should have been the first weapon mod made, but hasn't been made yet


-probably impossible

-in the works

-which Springfield?

Also all those various TACTICOOL attachments are useless. We can't program them to do anything. All you can add to a weapon so far is a silencer and a scope. Laser sights, M203s and stuff like that wouldn't serve any function other than being there and adding weight to the weapon.

-has been requested but probably won't be made anytime soon


-all the other armors are do-able but they're franchise crossovers so they will be made eventually but not anytime soon

-no hell yeah from me, sorry

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I know its already posted alot , but heres a list of weps i would die to see in FO3




-double barreled shotgun





-Bren/type 99

-Barrett .50 cal


And some types of equipable scopes , and some apature sights or red dot would be nice

Also Heres some armor that would be amazing

-Halo Master Chief armor -How about American Soldier WWII standard regailia

-halo ODST armor

-Starcraft Marine Armor

-Darth Vader armor

-StormTrooper armor

-----Super mutants wearing natzi regailia in a new place while all the brotherhood people in American uniforms-Can i get a hell yeha?


To sum it up:


-might be done soon

-in the works




-should have been the first weapon mod made, but hasn't been made yet


-probably impossible

-in the works

-which Springfield?

Also all those various TACTICOOL attachments are useless. We can't program them to do anything. All you can add to a weapon so far is a silencer and a scope. Laser sights, M203s and stuff like that wouldn't serve any function other than being there and adding weight to the weapon.

-has been requested but probably won't be made anytime soon


-all the other armors are do-able but they're franchise crossovers so they will be made eventually but not anytime soon

-no hell yeah from me, sorry


If you thought I was giving a hell yeah to the guy above me, then my mistake, because I wasn't. And you sum up his post very nicely. :thumbsup:

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Well, you could make the red dot in the actual model, giving the effect that there's a red dot, without having to code it. But as Bean0 said, it would be pointless especially when there's already a crosshair to show you where you're shooting, and I don't believe many people choose to NOT use the crossair, so it's still utterly pointless.:(


*BTW* Damn, 103 Kudos

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