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Mod Author and Tag Blocking


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Hey, everyone.


So I was browsing through some mods to find some new stuff for my male character, and I noticed a skimpy female mod. To avoid this, I blocked female-only tagged content from being seen. I figured that since not everyone bothers to tag, it was just overlooked, and decided to try to tag it. It was pretty clear upon seeing the first image it was an anime-female-skimpy mod, and I was going to tag it as such so I'd make the results more to my liking, since, again, I have skimpy anime stuff blocked.


It turns out that the mod author "disagreed" that their skimpy female anime mod was, indeed, a skimpy female anime mod. They had down-voted every tag relating to the issue and made certain anyone who didn't want to see a half-naked chick with unreasonably revealing armor would be seeing it anyway.


That being said, my suggestion is to remove the ability for mod authors to simply decide what tags are on their mods. It sounds ridiculous at first, but tags are there for the purpose of filtering content. If a mod author can make their "XXX sexy anime pose XXX" mod register as a male armor mod in the tags, downvoting any tag votes to the contrary, then it defeats the entire purpose.



When I browse the site for male armor mods, male animation mods, etc., I want to find male-only or unisex content. I get that mod authors want a degree of control over how people see their content, but this kind of control is prone to abuse, and can be visibly seen by how certain mod authors love to get rid of the anime, skimpy, NSFW etc. tags just so they get that extra advertisement.


I just want to find cool new armor for my barbarian dude. I'm not interested in "Sephiroth sexy female skimpy walk"

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good idea, this is the one thing that has ticked me off so much about Nexus is that it forces non-lore mods onto us at every turn. Personally, I think mod authors who purposely deceive mod users by using false tags should be held accountable for. Simply "just dont download it" doesn't work when your forced to go through about 10 pages of porn before finding something your interested in. Turning adult content off doesnt do much either.


checkout Skyrim Gems site, they have links to all of the good mods available on Nexus, without that site i'd of given up months ago.

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:rolleyes: Nobody is forcing any mods on you. No one is forcing you to download or play any mods you don't want. What you are doing is demanding we censor mods YOU don't like personally. How would you like it if people started demanding we censor the ones you do like? Then you would be screaming that the Nexus was being unfair by censoring them. The Nexus operates under the laws of the UK and US (UK predominates) If the law in your country says no nudity, then it's up to you to obey that law. If you just don't like nudity (or anything else that is legal) then it is up to you to close your eyes.


We don't censor the mods you like, and we don't censor the mods that other people like. The base rule is if you don't like it because of some personal prejudice - move along. Commenting on mods because you personally object to the subject matter can get you banned.


If you think it is tagged wrong - let us know - give us a link and we will look into it. Tagging is optional. We do prefer that mods be tagged so people can filter them. And staff can change tags.


Lore is subjective. Who decides what is lore and what is not? there is no real answer because Bethesda changes the 'lore' with every game. - BTW, Nudity is lore - why? because it was in an older game - Daggerfall. Have you looked at the forsworn in Skyrim? Yup, that's skimpy armor. For both Males and females and it's lore too. By Default.


Therefore by complaining that a mod is non lore because of nudity or skimpy armor. You are not just wrong, but being a hypocrite also. Get over yourself and live with it. :tongue:

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Am I the only person with a mouse wheel? I must be because the sheer number of people unable to scroll a webpage is incredible. Scrolling past something you don't want isn't backbreaking work and asking for those things to be removed is the height of laziness. Seriously, do people really expect files to be removed so they do have to go to the effort of scrolling a wheel or god forbid the effort of clicking "next page"?
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good idea, this is the one thing that has ticked me off so much about Nexus is that it forces non-lore mods onto us at every turn. Personally, I think mod authors who purposely deceive mod users by using false tags should be held accountable for. Simply "just dont download it" doesn't work when your forced to go through about 10 pages of porn before finding something your interested in. Turning adult content off doesnt do much either.


checkout Skyrim Gems site, they have links to all of the good mods available on Nexus, without that site i'd of given up months ago.


Well, I'm glad you agree. The tag system shouldn't allow for something like this to happen, and could be helped simply by removing the ability to dictate what it registers your mod as. It sounds odd at first, since you obviously want a mod author to have control, but when they purposely deceive users by mis-tagging it, it's a pain, because rather than a simple armor mod, I suddenly find something completely unrelated.


And thank you for the suggestion, I'd love to go through some of Skyrim Gem's list. The sheer number of mods here means there are gems I might not otherwise find, so thank you!



Am I the only person with a mouse wheel? I must be because the sheer number of people unable to scroll a webpage is incredible. Scrolling past something you don't want isn't backbreaking work and asking for those things to be removed is the height of laziness. Seriously, do people really expect files to be removed so they do have to go to the effort of scrolling a wheel or god forbid the effort of clicking "next page"?


Please reread the original post.


Edited this post a metric f-ton of times due to me failing at life.

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I was referring to the guy below you. On tags if you think something is tagged in a misleading way report it, mods can correct them. Authors should have control over the tags they want, if they didn't many mods that have women in them would be tagged as "Anime" or "Lore Unfriendly", just look at some of the comments to see what some think Anime is. I had a mod tagged as a video not because it was one but because there was one in the description, that was probably down to stupidity but on the modders board there was evidence posted of it being done maliciously, authors have to have the ability to stop that sort of thing.
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I was referring to the guy below you. On tags if you think something is tagged in a misleading way report it, mods can correct them. Authors should have control over the tags they want, if they didn't many mods that had a woman in it would be tagged as "Anime" or "Lore Unfriendly", just look at some of the comments to see what some think Anime is. I had a mod tagged as a video not because it was one but because there was one in the description, that was probably down to stupidity but on the modders board there was evidence posted of it being done maliciously, authors have to have the ability to stop that sort of thing.


Ahh, alrighty then. Well, I apologize in that case, but it is still a pain to see files that normally would be blocked being deceitfully mis-tagged by authors. I'd like to think the popular vote generally doesn't get it wrong, though I don't have the experience as a mod author necessary to know about it.


Perhaps there's a middle ground that could be achieved? I can't think of any off-hand, though.

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I don't know what the answer is, I've tagged the few things I've got up correctly but I don't use the tag system itself. As you rightly point out, it's not accurate and I would risk missing out on something.
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Not every modder speaks perfect English. And some do not understand tagging. Others are just oblivious to tagging. :rolleyes: Please don't rant on "Why can't these idiots tag properly" - just add your own suggested tags. And if you think a tag is wrong - contact the modder and explain why. If the tags are flagrantly wrong, let the staff know.


Many people have differing opinions on lore and other topics. Lore is not a fixed unchangeable thing - Beth has actually changed the lore on every game to fit the current story line.


For those who just don't understand how they can do this and get away with it - I have seen real life history be changed over my lifetime. Lore, like history can be changed by the historians to fit what they want.

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