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Bladesong mod


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It is no longer available, and it cannot be uploaded anywhere without the author's express permission... period.
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Does anyone know why Sornan removed it? Even the discussion thread on this forum is gone also.


If he's removed it, it stands to reason that the discussion thread is also gone. As to why, you would have to ask him.

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Does anyone know why Sornan removed it? Even the discussion thread on this forum is gone also.


If he's removed it, it stands to reason that the discussion thread is also gone. As to why, you would have to ask him.


Well, I have it downloaded, fortunately, and is a great mod. Not so for NCase and others who have not played it yet. Perhaps he will put it back up again soon for others to enjoy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posted for anyone finding this thread via search ... Sornan posted a video explaining why Bladesong is gone on this thread.


Thanks for that information, Striker. It's a real shame when authors of such high quality mods are driven to this. Sigh!

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I agree ... makes one think twice about sharing (even though I don't use Skyrim I've looked through some of the mod comments).


My sentiments exactly... but don't do that! I did, reading Skyrim mod comments though not playing Skyrim anymore, and it didn't do me any good!


If it wasn't for the massive lack of free time already, I still won't "want" to share whatever I create for Skyrim in future this time around for this very reason. I read far too much of it. Just don't!


As for the case at hand, I can't believe my eyes and ears.

"My YouTube review, I wasn't even asked for or asked for permission to do, is far more important than your mod"... really?! In what world will "this" ever be going to fly? You'd see me jumping from a rooftop in no time, if it was the one I live in! :wallbash:


This "the reviewers are doing you a favor by doing reviews of your mods without being asked"-mentality needs to go. It is a horrible misperception, period.

A review done without asking "might" be welcomed by the author, but it must not be "expected" as such! If the author thinks you aren't doing a favor, then you aren't.


If there weren't enough reasons for me not modding Skyrim already, this would be just another one.


Self-entitlement on the receiving end will be the death of modding, or public sharing, one day. It will be the end of mine, sooner or later, anyways, and I'm not even affected myself.


edit: Oh, and the "being a prick for pulling the mod" comments just add to it. Know what? I can be a prick (in your eyes anyways) as much as I want. It won't do me any harm. Can you say the same about no longer finding mods for download?

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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FYI I have contacted the author of the mod and obtained his permission to ask around here on these (nexus) forums if I can obtain the mod from anyone.


I do have the email and can provide it if needed.


Thank you very much to Iam0kru0k for the help.


I'd even be willing to pay for it. I really didn't want to cause any anguish... I'm just a guy that started playing Oblivion too late and really wants to play this mod.

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