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Shooting games with monsters


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Pretty much what the title says, looking for something in the first/third person shooter genre (preferably with a good bit of horror in it) that involves you fihgting monsters for most of the game. For example, I liked Metro 2033, nice example of what i'm looking for, but with much more emphasis on monsters/mutants/whatever than on people. Anyone know something like that? Oh, and please don't suggest Dead Space.
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Borderlands 2 is a good start, though at the beginning you would be shooting down robot loaders for the good duration of the game, but there is some real mean monsters out there in the borderlands 2, especially with the latest dlc coming out soon http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif






One thing though the AI is not forgiving, its out to get you, and 90% of the time it succeeds. Not to mention has some AI attached to it to http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


If you think playing against other players in fps shooters is hard, try this for change. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

Edited by Thor.
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Borderlands is not my favourite game, but it has a wonderfully vicarious, artistic and unique world, beautiful graphics, very solid gunplay, and while it's not for everyone, the comparatively high difficulty is a nice change from other console shooters which tend to be overly easy by default. Borderlands does take a little learning, but if you CAN get into it, you will. It's an exceptional game. If you want a taster, try Borderlands 1, you could probably get a copy for a few dollars.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a much older generation game, and takes some work to get running. If you can, it's got monsters applenty, an immersive world, OK-ish graphics, moderate gunplay, and a LOT of challenge. STALKER is a monstrously hard game, you'll die a LOT, but it's worth it. Just take it one step at a time.


Crysis 1,2,3. Contentious as it was, Crysis 2 was a fairly good game. It's got solid gunplay, exceptional graphics, and is surprisingly reliable. Capped off with an exceptional musical score and some good acting performances, this is one to get if you can get it cheap.


Halo and Gears of War. Classic FPS titles from the XBox, both now exist on PC. Both are entirely Human VS beast, and while some PC gamers sniff at them, they're well worth a look. Halo(Combat Evolved Custom Edition) also happens to be extremely moddable.

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I forgot about Resistance, yeah, that's another top-notch shooter for the pile.


Alien: Colonial Marines, when it comes out. Looks great, and has some of the best monsters in Scifi.

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i always forget to do this xD games i already have:

Borderlands (1 & 2)

STALKER Franchise

Crysis 1

Metro 2033


Think that's all I have that fits what I'm lookng for, and the games can only be PC, i gave up on console gaming

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I'm going to suggest the Gears of War series. It's good fun and hella gorey. The multiplayer is for most part very competitive, and if you aren't all into the crazy wall-bouncing shenanigans, Horde mode is absolutely a blast with friends. It got way better in Gears of War 3, which has some tower defense elements in it as well.


The story is not the best story ever for sure, but it's certainly captivating and lengthly. It's the story where nothing gets better for the heroes, and things only get worse.

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I tried the dead space games, couldn't get into them as far as playing them, checking out let's plays though. My main complaint is that despite all your guns being lasers, you can still shoot something multiple times with almost no effect lol, with guns it makes more sense because you could miss their organs or something, but a laser would just cut them up xD
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