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After updating a couple of mods earlier today (SKSE, SkyUI, Flora overhaul, Immersive Weapons, Book of silence and maybe a few others) I had my first annoying bugs. Firstly I had an issue with SKSE not being recognized but I managed to resolve that myself.

Secondly I noticed various trees had become purple (trunk textures appear to be intact) I have left a comment on the Flora Overhaul page as I believe it to be a conflict between the aforementioned and lush trees (I said No to ALL when asked to overwrite LT files by FO) or an issue with the update, though no one else has mentioned it.

And finally, my character's eyes are glowing similar to a draugr's (vampire?) I did contract vampirism but I believe I cured it. Potential issue here? or am I being a little thick and my char is actually a vamp?

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when something is purple (blocky with no details) it means it has lost its texture. Usually with mods, something was overwritten that's not compatible or the texture was removed or moved to and unrecognized file location. It is not always the case, however. You could be short of video memory, too much information to be rendered for your system hardware, exceeding the 4gb game limitation., etc..etc...etc


If saving and reloading your game does not get rid of it (the purple problem), try purging your cell buffers (pcb from console) go somewhere in the world where there is not a lot going on or an already cleared location, then try it. save your game first.


You could also verify game cache from STEAMypile. That can clear up a multitide of issues. Isn't it great, they have to give you permission to fix your game?

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I think flora overhual and lush trees have very specific install orders.


I'm also pretty sure that Lush isn't entirely needed with Flora Overhaul anyway.


Purple is a texture problem.


Lush tree's changes up the mesh and new meshes probably points to a different Texture.DDS which if not installed should look purple or even pink.

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And finally, my character's eyes are glowing similar to a draugr's (vampire?) I did contract vampirism but I believe I cured it. Potential issue here? or am I being a little thick and my char is actually a vamp?


See this topic: TUTORIAL: REMOVING UNWANTED MAGIC EFFECTS FROM THE PLAYER which is pinned at the top of this forum :P

Edited by steve40
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And finally, my character's eyes are glowing similar to a draugr's (vampire?) I did contract vampirism but I believe I cured it. Potential issue here? or am I being a little thick and my char is actually a vamp?


See this topic: TUTORIAL: REMOVING UNWANTED MAGIC EFFECTS FROM THE PLAYER which is pinned at the top of this forum :P


yes you should read stickies before posting lol.. no harm done tho because you had another problem. :D

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