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Issues dual wielding weapons as favourites.


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I have a problem with making weapon sets for dual wielding as favorites.


Namely, i have the following weapons that i would like to be saved as a dual wield pair in the favorites menu.


1. two Fine Skyforge Steel Daggers


2. two Fine Scimitars


When i try doing this in-game i will usually get the WRONG offhand, meaning my Dagger gets paired with a Scimitar offhand (or the other way around).

I have heard that this is a bug and that there are mods that can fix it (or go around it) to allow proper dual wielding favorite weapons.


Can anyone please tell me where is this mod or what is it's name, and if you have a link to it's website.

Thank you very much!

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Use an enchanting table to put some random enchant on them then before crafting them use the table to rename the items. It is the only way I've found to overcome this. Just do not rename them the same thing. Edited by The7Sins
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