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Far Cry

Darker Nights


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The island needs to be a lot darker at night. I am tossing this idea out because in my opinion the night isn't so dark like it should be. Plus it would add immersion to the game. I dont know how to mod so I am requesting someone will make one.

Im sure its possible right?

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I agree that Far Cry 3 needs darker nights. But not only the colour scheme - also changed behaviour of the humans and animals: Certain animals should prefer to hunt at night or at dusk and should hide during the day. Humans should have a much more difficult time locating opponents. I don't know if tis can be done, but it would add another element of gameplay.
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I agree that Far Cry 3 needs darker nights. But not only the colour scheme - also changed behaviour of the humans and animals: Certain animals should prefer to hunt at night or at dusk and should hide during the day. Humans should have a much more difficult time locating opponents. I don't know if tis can be done, but it would add another element of gameplay.


I think the animals having a nocturnal/diurnal patterns for each species is a perfect suggestion. It would be WAY harder to find jungle cats for instance. Also darker nights with detection affected would be great.

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