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The theme tune to your life


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Honestly, for me it's a toss-up. Depends on how I feel at the time.


If I'm in a good mood...


If it's just a normal day...


...or if I've got an attitude for the day, it's a tie between Soundgarden's Superunknown or King Crimson's Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With.

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The Tetris theme tune. Nah just joking. Disturbed - Down With The Sickness.


i think Indestructible would suit you but down with the sickness is a ace song hehe


Edward Cullen

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The theme song to the film Midnight Cowboy, Everybody's talking at me, as sung by Nilsson. Abiding memory is standing out on the frozen prairie, east of Calgary, hitching to Europe, the first time...( i know i know...there would be, eventually , an ocean to contend with...) with my tiny transistor radio frozen to my ear. ...still trying to get there.


September Song, as sung by Jimmy Durante. Ive always been old.

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