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What IS it about Skyrim...?


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I recently decided to start a "survival" playthrough of Skyrim (with eating, sleeping and health mod's as well as with fast-travel disabled) and I'm really enjoying it.


Thing is, my last go at Fallout 4 was pretty similar and it became a chore pretty fast.


I can't really figure out what it is that Bethesda got perfectly right with Skyrim that they didn't quite pull off as well with F4.

Both games have a large sandbox world that includes random encounters, both games have "dungeons" to explore and both games have big "cities" to visit.


For some reason, though, I just find everything about Skyrim enjoyable.

It doesn't matter if I'm going out to hunt for food, picking flowers to make dye for clothes, dungeon-diving for a quest or touring cities to sell my junk.

It's all enjoyable.

For some reason, doing the trivial stuff in F4 always feels like a chore - like stuff you're being forced to do between the parts which are actually fun.


Honestly, I'm not sure if it's just that I prefer the medieval world of Skyrim to the post-apocalyptic world of F4 but Skyrim just seems to have "something" extra that means it never seems to get boring.



Is it just me who feels like this or is it commonly accepted that Skyrim just feels that little bit more "comprehensive" than other games, such as F4?

Edited by Stealthie
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such the same for me! had to start modding to add new quests and features after playing vanilla for years, but the core game is so well done it's addictive. As far as it being "comprehensive", I've always loved how the creators took such time with the history and lore. The reason I stop other games so quickly is a lack of investment.

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Fallout games - terrain: little variation, interesting characters: ? Are there any? (Fully developed, not just snapshots). Building: there seem to be more possibilities here, but it gets to be such a chore. Same quests on forced repeat. OK, they were worth a playthrough, but I've now scrapped the lot. Anyway, I'm tired of bombed-out scenery and the way things are going you may get the real thing by accident. Skyrim is fine. I just wish they'd tidy it up instead of working on completely new things that won't work properly until 2030.

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Its the scenery. Fallout 4 have a ugly color palette, worse than Fallout 3.

The color palette have a effect in gameplay, more so than the graphics. You can have sharp meshes, hd textures and a dense atmosphere, but if the color palette is bad, the experience will be bad as well.

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I have both games and I agree, Skyrim is simply more fun to me. It has a better main quest, better factions (well, most of them are better.... OKAY, FINE! At least HALF of them are better. That's still twice as good as FO4 in my opinion.) Skyrim also has a far more beautiful world. I quickly got tired of trudging around in FO4. But Skyrim? I only fast-travel when I'm doubling back exactly over my original route. And sometimes I'll still travel normally because I saw something on the way that I want to check out. And the ability to role-play is far better in Skyrim. And all this is BEFORE you add in mods.

Now let me be clear that I LIKE FO4. But I think Skyrim is far more fun and has far better replay value. After all, it's over eight years old and people are still playing it and modding the hell out of it. I'm pretty sure it is still one of Bethesda's top sellers.

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