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Removing textures help,


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Hello I was wondering could anyone give me any insight on how to remove qurls Hi res texture pack?

I really need to remove it I'm not gonna be on gaming pc for a while and I thought this one could handle it but it drops my FPS down a lot


So is their anyway to remove it?

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That depends on which version you installed. If you installed the OMOD version, you can uninstall it from OBMM.
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LOD mods usually comes in several parameter, installation level usually start at based like Qarl or Bomrets for example then a couple of addition on top of that like Vibrant, Abnormal Caves, Koldorns Terrain, Better grass etc followed by structural kind like overhaul RAEVWD, Koldorns Sewers, Clocks then AWL's etc. So to uninstall QTP means you got to uninstall the whole Environment related mods to be safe before installing back the base to more relax like Bomrets & so forth. Edited by tera88
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