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At the moment I only play one online game :P


Final Fantasy XI


Really really excellent MMORPG. You can't join it for nothing though, there's a free benchmark download you can get so you can see what it looks like/how it will run on your computer, and a character creation simulation, but apart from that you have to buy it and pay monthly. It's well worth the cash though, trust me :P

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Well, I have a couple going right now, though no real RPG's to speak of:


Farcry- online playing FFA, Team Death Match, Conquest, etc...

PlanetSide- Pretty much the same, haven't played in a while


I wanted to start playing City of Hero's but I just can't justify spending more money after buying the game so that i can keep using it.



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Runescape. Great game. America's Army is nice. And Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. That's good too. Even better: they're all free.



You know you're in a "gaming drought" when 3 free, 2+ year old games are better than the ones that cost money. ^_^

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