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Optimum Skyrim.ini setting


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What is the best balance for the Syrim.ini settings for performance and quality. I know there are some online where you can copy and paste, but was wondering if anyone knew one to recommend. I HATE CTDs more than anything, the next most annoying thing is FPS lagging. I'm willing to sacrifice some quality to avoid these issues, but don't want to cut out areas that don't affect performance.


Also, my PC seems to max out at 60 FPS, but drops down to 30 in heavy NPC areas...Making it lag very bad. The 60 FPS looks great, and I would love if it never dropped below that, but if its possible to get it higher, I'd like to find out.

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try attk power loader, it reduces frame dros and cpu spikes.

shadows are cpu dependent and not grafics card dependent.

so when your cpu overloads, just reduce shadow draw distance, quality of shadows does not have that bad effect on frame rate.


at least thats what i had with my skyrim and computer.

vsync caps your fps at 60. but srly? your eyes cant even see more than 30

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All I know is that when I look at the landscape areas of Skyrim, the game shows 60 FPS and it runs smoothly...I can turn without lag. When I turn around and look at my 3 followers, the frame rate drops to 30 and it looks like I'm watching a movie on a security camera or cheap web cam. I'm sure it's not really 30 FPS, but it's what my computer is telling me. It's probably closer to 5 or so. It's like one of those time lapse cameras that take video of parking lots or outside of a Walmart.
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It is impossible for anyone to give you optimal settings for your rig and software environment. They can give you whats optimal with theirs only. You need to tweak your own and adjust settings until it works best for you. First you need to grab the Skyrim Performance Monitor by Sir Garnon from: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6491 so you know exactly what is going on and where. Increase in anything and decrease in FPS will say what is happening. So if its CPU then you need to lower CPU intensive settings. GPU then lose GPU intensive. Vram maxed out and have 1 gig or more... lose some HD texture packs. Make minor changes and run a test. Keep doing that until FPS is above 30 unless loading a cell and looks good to you.


You can also use the Skyrim CFG maker from: http://online-source.net/tools/cfg-makers/skyrim-cfg-maker/ for a start.



@AlberichMX, Yes you can see a smoother game above 60 FPS, but then you can get screen tearing wich looks horrid and to get over 60 FPS all the time? flat out impossible unless you are running a top of the line gaming rig and lowest bufugly settings possible. Anyway if you dont get screen tearing then by all means push for more FPS if thats what makes the game better looking for you, or you could go for better textures/lighting/shadows/affects and a minimum of 30 FPS. higher FPS does not always mean it actualy looks better, only a baseline for comparing different vid cards on the same rig.

Edited by jet4571
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There is no one best setting - if there were that would make it easy and everyone would use that one. Parts of the ini are based on the hardware in your particular computer - and the values for them can vary widely. Other parts depend on personal preferences as to whether you want just a little more eye candy of just a little more performance (its a trade off) - and this will also depend on your particular mix of hardware (and often what software is running in the background also)


The first time you run, the game looks at your hardware and makes a guess as to the best settings - the guess will be on the conservative side though, and can nearly always be improved with some tweaking.


Go here to find what all those values that can be tweaked actually do and to figure out your own optimum settings. :thumbsup:


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