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Optimum .ini Shadow Tweaks


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Hello, chaps. Care to help a guy out with his .ini tweaks? I'm trying to figure out how to get the best shadows possible without sacrificing draw distance to a substantial amount. Performance should not be as issue; I'm confidant that my rig can handle any changes you guys suggest. Thanks in advance.
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One way to make your shadows look less blocky, more blurry, and softer without any performance hits at all require you to change the following:






iBlurDeferredShadowMask in skyrimprefs.ini controls how blurry your shadows appear to be. The higher the number, the more blur you add. I recommend, and personally use, a value of 6. There are some out there who prefer to use 8, but that seems a bit to much to my eyes, however that's just me. Pick and choose and find which setting matches your tastes the most.


iShadowMaskQuarter also in skyrimprefs.ini controls how soft your shadows are. The lower the number the more softer they become. I recommend using a value of 2 and so do others; with these settings alone, you will see a major improvement in the quality of your shadows without absolutely NO performance impact what so ever.


There is a value that you can set that will actually hit your performance a bit depending on what kind of rig you have. It's called bTreesReceiveShadows. The default value is: bTreesReceiveShadows=0. Setting this to "1" will make it so that trees cast shadows upon themselves. The blur and soften options listed first will also apply to these shadows making them better as well.


I would also recommend you use the mod Shadow Striping Fix Indoor and Outdoor





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