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Need help with compiling a script for fade to black

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So I put this in and try to compile it


Function FadeToBlackAndHold() global
ImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackImod = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0f756d, "Skyrim.esm")\
as ImageSpaceModifier
ImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackHoldImod = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0f756e, "Skyrim.esm")\
as ImageSpaceModifier


And I get this


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "TIF__010012C8"...
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\TIF__010012C8.psc(10,0): mismatched input 'Function' expecting ENDFUNCTION
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\TIF__010012C8.psc(20,0): missing EOF at 'EndFunction'
No output generated for TIF__010012C8, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on TIF__010012C8

I am not an expert on scripting by any means. I'm just using the script provided here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2663319-fadetoblack-script-help-please/

Does anyone have any ideas on what I've done wrong?


Edit: What I want to do is make it so that I say something to an npc and then that npc replies and the screen fades to black and an hour passes and then screen fades back in. That's it. Any help would be much appreciated!


Edit 2:

Okay so from here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2663319-fadetoblack-script-help-please/

I got the idea to follow this advice


Easy method.

use a quest stage

create an Image Space Modifier property that points to the fade to black imod (or copy one and alter settings).

In your chosen quest stage, generate a script by typing Utility.Wait(0.5)

open script and add an image space modifier property. ..name it and then point it to a chosen fade to black imod.

Now in your quest stage tab, add the script


(End Quote)


However I am not sure as of yet how to "point" the property to the fade to black imod


SO. I THINK I've gotten that taken care of. I am trying to add the dialogue to Ysolda but I can't get the dialogue to show up as an option when I talk to her!



So for anyone wondering I created a quest where the first stage had this script






I added a property for imagespacemodifier then edited that property so it triggers a fadetoblack


The reason I couldn't get Ysolda to speak to me was because I had a loose Alias

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I've just noticed this. I've been off the forum for a few days and I applied Imods to my player home, so thought I could help. I added and removed mine by a script, with the help of Maxarturo. the script was applied to various activators, but could have been adapted to trigger boxes.


I read your edit and all I can say is Congrats and have a beer/cup of coffee/glass of milk, whatever floats your boat!


It's a really great feeling when you crack something yourself. :happy:


Ysolda not speaking? Curiosity, I'm not aware of the 'Loose Alias' term. What is this and how, specifically did it stop Ysolda speaking?


Ysolda is the fall-back for me if ever I want to marry my character. If none of the others agree, Ysolda always says yes! If there was a modern equivalent of a 'mammoth tusk' gift on Valentine's day, we'd all be sorted!

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