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Showracemenu Hair and Eyes not working


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I've got a weird problem. I have the Hair packs of TES IV Oblivion for Females installed, along with the Fallout 3 Hair Pack. Everything was working fine until I tried adding ApachiiSkyHair. I didn't get any CTD's, but when I got to the showracemenu, it showed that a lot of my settings (hair, eyes) were set to zero, though my character still looked fine. I tried adjusting the slider for hair, and eyes, but there was no visible change to the character. Strangely the number of hair and eye options just kept going up and up, all the way to -25000. I immediately removed ApachiiSkyHair, and the last few mods I'd installed, but the problem persists. I then tried reinstalling TES IV Oblivion, and Fallout 3 hair packs yet the problem is still there. Does anyone know how I can fix this, short of a complete reinstallation of the game? I've been working on this problem all night and it's driving me insane. :( Edited by Auslander66
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I'm having a very similar problem, however it seems to center around custom races for me. I already had Apachii hair installed but then installed Newermind's Hair Pack and Fallout 3 hairs.


I loaded up the game and my client would just freeze/crash upon using showracemenu with custom races installed. I immediately uninstalled Hair pack and FO3 hairs. Even still, the only way showracemenu will work at all or that I can access Apachii hair is with no custom races. Checked all the directories that they were extracted to and they were removed but the problem persists. Very confused...

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Well, 1-st of all, if You used to execute such a Voo-Doo,.. there're simple rules You should always follow:

-while removing any mod you dislike -be sure to delete entire mod files (in your case:

1.***.esp/esm file;

2. Files in Meshes+Texture folders

3. In some cases Mod adds changes in folders - FOMOD, SCRIPTS & STRINGS) The easiest way to find exact Modded files in the game directory is to open a ZIP/RAR (archive) file of a Mod, it shows to which folder to follow and what kind of files are changed or added. But... keep in mind - if you delete a file changed not added by MOD then Game will use its own default files, so called VANILLA files.


P.S. ApachiiSkyHair: hairstyle_01, hairstyle_02, hairstyle_03...so on,

FalloutHairMod: hairstyle_01, hairstyle_02, hairstyle_03...so on,

TES'IVHairMod: hairstyle_01, hairstyle_02, hairstyle_03...so on, ...got it?! Each Mod in order of installation REPLACES hairstyle files with its one, because

their names are similar!


-All characters in game FREEZE but can move ...as ghosts ;) ... because of Mesh-files' conflict! Example- Skeleton_01.nif and Skeleton_001.nif -lets say, both files are correct and work in game perfect, but they are used by 2 different MODs you've installed for 1 purpose, to change character animation... You Drive The GAME ENGINE to stuck -it surprises which one of animation file to use, engine can't even use its own default animation! SO BE SURE T'DELETE EVERY FILE, you can always reinstall a mod!

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  • 4 months later...

I've got a weird problem. I have the Hair packs of TES IV Oblivion for Females installed, along with the Fallout 3 Hair Pack. Everything was working fine until I tried adding ApachiiSkyHair. I didn't get any CTD's, but when I got to the showracemenu, it showed that a lot of my settings (hair, eyes) were set to zero, though my character still looked fine. I tried adjusting the slider for hair, and eyes, but there was no visible change to the character. Strangely the number of hair and eye options just kept going up and up, all the way to -25000. I immediately removed ApachiiSkyHair, and the last few mods I'd installed, but the problem persists. I then tried reinstalling TES IV Oblivion, and Fallout 3 hair packs yet the problem is still there. Does anyone know how I can fix this, short of a complete reinstallation of the game? I've been working on this problem all night and it's driving me insane. :(


Did you fix that problem? If yes, how did you do that? I've got exactly the same problem with the selection of hair and eyes.

Edited by ViewtifulFlo
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Disable all your mods that do character edits (ShowRaceMenu / Enhanced Character Edit / etc) then try again. Most likely a conflict between them. If everything works fine without those mods, decide on which one you want to use and dont use the other one(s).

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