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The Secret Art of Organizing Crap


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So has anybody figured out a way to successfully organize stuff in your house without huge problems and without it being so tedious and time consuming? I remember I tried to do this in skyrim a long time ago and sometimes when I entered my house it seemed like I let in an invisible mini tornado and everything goes flying. It almost drove me to tears one time because I spent god knows how many hours organizing my stuff in the solitude house and BAM! Hours and hours of work destroyed in a second. I remember organizing in Morrowind was surprisingly a lot more stable and a crapton EASIER!!! WTF???? You could drop items and they would drop exactly like you wanted, you didn't have to fiddle around by holding the grab button to get it perfect. And they stuck like super glue to the surfaces you dropped them.


So has anybody found a secret technique to doing this?

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I add my own barrels and chest with the console - To make me feel like I'm not cheating, I dump 50 gold per item created in a chest inside a single parent home in the game. Makes me feel good inside :)


You can add strong boxes pouches, sacks, chests, barrels. I put them in appropriate locations and move them into the perfect place with console commands. IT takes a few seconds and once oyu have done 1 item, you just up arrow to place another.

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I do use containers and such. I just built my lakeview manor house but I am talking about like making a triangular stack of ingots like you see in other peoples house. Placing eye candy on the shelves and such without it ending on the floor randomly one day when I enter the house.
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Oh, I understand


You used to be able to do this and have things "lock" in place,,,,

1 : got to first person view

2 : set the item where you would like it

3 : while looking at the object you placed (and still in first person) save your game

4 : load the game you just saved.



Alternately you can use the console (my preferred method)


Getpos x,y,z (only use 1 axis at a time to get its cell location - this is constant for all "get or move" commands)

setpos x,y,z (based on the getpos value. Watch for negative values)


getangle x,y,z value (value is how much to move item)

setangle x,y,z valiue


rotate x,y,z value


You can also use


markfordelete <--- be careful with this one. once marked, its gone forever from that game load)

disable <---- makes it non-interactable and hidden from sight

enable <---- brings it back into play and visible.


make sure you make a game save prior to using console commands. and also insure the item you are affecting has its ref # on screen (ie, was selected while in console)


some items will hang in space and not fall if you are in TCL mode, others will tumble to the ground when you exit TCL.


I hope that helps a little better :)

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The deal with some of those is that they are most likely static items that don't get shafted by the havok physics. Either that or they were using a mod like Unlimited Bookshelves. It is possible that you could use modder resources or just make the statics yourself, but for upgradable homes you'd need to learn how to add it to the purchasing dialogue so that you can't see it there until you buy that particular upgrade.
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I certainly think its worth my testing tonight. IT may save the console poking for placement and prevent the atomic blast of dynamically placed items causing injury. MY Skyrim homeowners insurance has a pretty high deductable. I just hate to go that route. You know, getting the Jarle involved in a property damage lawsuit, get quotes for repairs and adjustmest, any damage to my neighbors property or persons....blah ... blah ...blah to much bother with.. ;)
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This is on the uesp wiki and I've had it work well for me.


If you drop items from your inventory and re-enter the zone or reload a save, you will find the items you positioned are not where you put them after grabbing and moving them, but rather in the exact place where they were dropped from your inventory. This seems to occur only when you load a save from that same area, then immediately drop and rearrange the item before leaving. Loading the save, leaving the area, coming back, then dropping and rearranging gets it to stick.

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I used to use a combo of .bat files to set thing right with the console. Works good

Later started using the CK and well that was that. No better way possible then the CK.

Even has a "drop mode" to make sure thing are in place. All you do is add a "mod"

if you can call it that with all the little changes. Never have to worry about losing them

from a bad save. The best part of Skyrim hands down is the CK!

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