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Modders should just start choosing a single NPC...and record the lines in their own voice


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All of the dialogue said in game is easily accessed and all the voice types all only have a set amount. They are not acted that amazingly either, you'd only need a pool of actors as big as bethesda used themselves, too. They'd only need to do a passing job, with 'pretty good' sound quality.


That would make it worth it. The only real issue would how much more custom dialogue you added and for which NPC's.


Where it MIGHT get difficult... is MAIN characters.


They have UNIQUE voices... well sort of.


But then again it might NOT.... I mean... you probably are NOT going to get an amateur voice actor, who could do the job the great Max Von Sydow does as Esbern. or Christopher Pumber as ol' Aggi...


HOWEVER...... both of those guys, for example, have had illustrious careers spanning well over 5 decades, including major roles right up until today.


There is LITERALLY thousands and thousands of hours of their voices, in HD cinema quality to boot. A half decent audio editor, with some mid range tools, even just some higher end home, rather commercial, hardware and programes, would have little issue, more than likely, in crafting hundreds of additional dialogue lines for them in their own voices.


It is all quite doable.. but you need the stars to align... you need folks who are good at writing and are creative enough to come up with deeper, more immersive dialogue and narratives for the NPC to be redone... then you need at least a gifted amateur voice actor/actress with the talent, to record those lines... then you need a willing modder to take the new voice, new dialogues, and code them in to that existing NPC. That is the hard bit.

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