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Game keeps locking up every couple minutes


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Had been playing fine with no issues, around 15 mods, most of the basics, a couple armor mods. Then, after exiting from bleak falls barrow,

the game comes to a halt. Everything is locked. I try to bring up Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Delete, even this doesn't work. I shut the PC

and restart, get the game started, 5 minutes in, it locks again ... this time am able to get out via task manager.

I "End Task" for the game and get an Error message asking if I want to Send Error Report. Here is the info it game me:


szAppName : TESV.exe szAppVer : szModName : hungapp

szModVer : offset : 00000000


There was an option to see some "Tech Info" at the Bottom, it was:





I'm running a Duo Core 3.4 Ghz Pentium D with 4GB ram, Radeon 7750 PCI express graphics and have a 480w power supply.

My system should be able to handle the game.


Does anyone have a clue as to what all that means, and what I can try ? ... already searched around here and removed anti-aliasing, down

graded a lot of my quality setting, and uninstalled a bunch of mods.

Any ideas will be welcome. Thanks

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Your system is running on a low wattage power supply. Even with a much reduced power footprint, under load, that graphics card requires about 220W of power. I dont know what MB, MEM or Storage solutions you have (or other add-ons, USB devices or peripherals (like wireless), but you are pushing that power supplies limitations.


More then likely, there could be another issue. Post your mods (preferrably by load order) and also the size of your recent game saves (not quick saves). Also see if it just happens with that particular game. That game could just be corrupt. Now, before you really try even that... ;) goto STEAMypile and validate your game files. For some strange reason they assuem you are going to have a game break and alllow you the priveledge to fix it.

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I'm sry I haven't replied sooner, but I've worked several 13 hour days ... anyway, I appreciate your quick response, but since I can't afford to put more money into this rig, the 480 ups will

have to do. [ besides, when upgrading, I didn't see any bigger for this specific model PC. 8( ]


I was going to go and validate my game files as you suggested, but while at work I had a couple minutes here and there to surf around some sites and long story short, I'm going to uninstall

all of it, start a clean install, move it out of program files, and generally follow a bunch of recommendations by Players and Modders to have the most stable base to start with.

Thanks again. 8)

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