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Request For A Saved File of 'Nordic Skyrim 2 - A Lock Down Baby' Modding Guide


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The author and his respective guides have been deleted while I was in the process of following it. It would help tremendously if someone were to share a saved .pdf or anything that I could download in order to resume the process and not have to start over.

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From my understanding, many users were reporting typos and inconsistencies in his writing. He mentioned he might take it down but I didn't know he would actually go through with that, let alone delete his entire account. I guess he took it all too hard. A shame, as his guides were very easy to follow.


I think I'll switch over to Northern Experience now since that guide is written from the same person who helped write the first Nordic Skyrim guide. It looks very similar. The only down side is the guide requires you to install everything it lists in order to be stable... so I will have to use my modding experience to wriggle around that and hope to the Lords that I don't bork the game.

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I usually don't post in forums, but nordic0cold's leaving hit me hard in terms of me playing Skyrim. His guide was the only reason I was prepping Skyrim SE over Oldrim. His guide convinced me to even give SE a try at all. I took a hiatus from SE for a year when he announced his first nordic guide to be outdated and that he is working on a new one. I just recently came back because I saw he put up a new guide. I was excited like a little child on xmas. Now all his guides are gone. I'm sad. :(

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