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BUG: Companions' Quest 'Blood's Honor' will not start.


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I have completed 2 radiant quests for Aela, (Striking the Heart and Stealing Plans) , and the quest after them, Blood's Honor will not start. I have no misc quests which require Glenmoril Coven.

The Mods I use are:

ACE (all)


SkyRe (races and stones only)

TK Hitstop


Unofficial Skyrim/Dawnguard Patch

Skyrim MoMod

Deadly Dragons

Deadly Combat

Warzones - Civil Unrest


Apocalypse Spell Package


Are any of these causing a problem? Is there a console fix (I tried setstage c04 0, and it does nothing )?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

I have the same problem. I've completed the companions quest line up to where "Blood's Honor" is supposed to start, but Aela will not even offer the "work" option. Using setstage will not trigger the quest or get any response from her. Also, trying the disable/enable trick on her permanently disables her requiring loading an earlier save to bring her back. So, I'm stuck as a werewolf and the questline going nowhere.


Anyone have any idea on how to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated.


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  • 2 months later...

Was no help at all. I've tried the following with no results.

  1. Startquest / Setstage console commands
  2. Fast Travel to Whiterun Stable and walk to Jorvaskaar
  3. Finished the "Helm of Winterhold" quest (was not at any location for the companion quests)
  4. Started New Game (twice)
  5. Check for any mods that change/conflict with the Companions (none)
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

2019 and still having this problem. Nothing is working. Can't get Aela to send met to Kodlak, can't get quest from Kodlak, console commands don't work to make the quest start, no radiant quests at glenmoril coven, don't have the quest to get a helm for the jarl of Whiterun. Have Unofficial Patch for Skyrim Special Edition installed 4.20. At my wit's end as I am a werewolf and there is no cure other than the companion's questline, plus I want to finish it as it is the only questline I can't finish in the whole damn game. So frustrated. Anyone know a fix for this problem?

Edited by dawniec76
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  • 11 months later...

I know it’s an old topic, but uninstalling the Unofficial Patch for Skyrim Special Edition and then reinstalling fixed this. I then spoke with Kodlak which then displayed the missing dialog option. None of the commands worked for me except for starting the quest after Blood Honor.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 10/4/2020 at 4:47 PM, jeffb7676 said:


  On 10/4/2020 at 4:47 PM, jeffb7676 said:

I know it’s an old topic, but uninstalling the Unofficial Patch for Skyrim Special Edition and then reinstalling fixed this. I then spoke with Kodlak which then displayed the missing dialog option. None of the commands worked for me except for starting the quest after Blood Honor.


This worked

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