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[LE] Quest Data Tab - Run Once Option


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I've been trying to figure out whether or not I should be having the option selected to 'Run Once' on various quests I'm running, and the 'Official' description by Bethesda is kind of vague to me, as it indicates the option prevents the quest from running multiple times, yet ironically I can't see why I would ever want a quest to initiate multiple times in the first place.


I'm doing a quest mod that uses quests which primarily aim specifically at the quest game play content.


I did a quick check on what Bethesda did in the CK, and saw many of the quests do Not have the 'Run Once' option checked, yet when I found a big listing of the actual main story line quests, they All had the 'Run Once' option checked..


I am inclined to just turn on the 'Run Once' option for all my quests to remove any question that they may initiate more than once, but I would like to ask you guys before I do this..


(I did do some web searching on this, did not find the answer really)


Any help appreciated :smile:

Edited by sornan
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