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My profile never gets updated


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Good to know other people have the same problem. But will anything be done about it? It seems to have been ignored so far by the operators of this site...

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I too have the same problem with the profile not updating. The only thing that gets updated is pictures I upload to mods. Anything else stopped after August 7th. Funny thing is that it is only on the Skyrim Nexus site. It works perfectly fine on the Dragon Age site.

Yes, the problem seems to occur only on the Skyrim Nexus profile... e.g. on my Oblivion Nexus profile I can see my endorsements for images.

The problem being ignored is an unsatisfiying situation, I agree.

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It would help if those (a tiny minority of the millions of Nexus members) experiencing this issue would provide some additional info like:


What browser are you using?

What add-ins (Ad-Blocker, etc.) are installed?

Have you flushed your cache?

Have you logged-off/-on again?

Have you tried with a different browser?


Since the issue is limited to just a few members, it's likely to be a specific combination of very particular elements that's causing it.


Any clues appreciated.

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I use Firefox. I tried with all add-ins deactivated, with Firefox and Internet Explorer. I flush cache regularly and logging on and off doesn't do anything. The profile gets updated normally on all other nexus sites, but it doesn't work on the Skyrim site anymore.

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Thanks for the details. Confirmed that it occurs (or rather, fails to occur) on Skyrim Nexus only. Am (re-)sending the info to the Admins.

(Since the issue doesn't impact the site's functionality, not sure what kind of priority fixing it will receive... :ermm: )

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My Skyrim profile's still not updating at the moment. I use Google Chrome. I have AdBlock but don't use it on the Nexus sites. I've deleted my cache several times since it stopped updating. I've also logged out and back in several times since it stopped working. I've tried it on IE and it wasn't up to date as well (I don't have any other browsers). I'll try deleting my cache again and logging back in and see if it helps and report back.


Edit: Still isn't updating. No worries though, it's been this way since October of last year so I'm not too concerned about it. The web devs have a lot more serious issues to deal with right now.

Edited by Kalell
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