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EA Threatens Bans For Unreported SimCity Bugs


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“Hey, we got a beta going. Make sure nobody wants to participate.”


I wonder how will EA even find out if you’ve been withholding valuable information? I mean, maybe if you’re playing with a friend, and they’re like “Ooooooo, I’M TELLING."

Edited by Ihoe
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Is this an MMO style game? if so thats pretty understandable, to riddle out exploits. If its not an MMO then, well no comment.....
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we reserve the right to treat you no differently from someone who abuses the Bug. You acknowledge that EA reserve the right to lock anyone caught abusing a Bug out of all EA products."


Classy, yet again they threaten to take games people have paid for away. Why does anyone risk buying their stuff in the first place?

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we reserve the right to treat you no differently from someone who abuses the Bug. You acknowledge that EA reserve the right to lock anyone caught abusing a Bug out of all EA products."


Classy, yet again they threaten to take games people have paid for away. Why does anyone risk buying their stuff in the first place?


Blame the Eula. Nobody takes the time to read them, they are too damn long.

it's interesting that people can find clauses like this with the incomprehensible language of Eulas being there.


@Micalov: I highly doubt it to be your average traditional mmo, more farmville. it will be in closed free Beta testing stage. they're like, not paying actual Beta testers and using would be consumers and being an ass about it. :turned: so it's not understandable, it's ridiculous.

Edited by Ihoe
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we reserve the right to treat you no differently from someone who abuses the Bug. You acknowledge that EA reserve the right to lock anyone caught abusing a Bug out of all EA products."


Classy, yet again they threaten to take games people have paid for away. Why does anyone risk buying their stuff in the first place?


Blame the Eula. Nobody takes the time to read them, they are too damn long.

it's interesting that people can find clauses like this with the incomprehensible language of Eulas being there.


@Micalov: I highly doubt it, it will be in closed free Beta testing stage. they're like, not paying actual Beta testers and using would be consumers and being an ass about it. :turned:


Luckily some people do read the Eula and then report what they find in it, EAs attitude towards paying customers stinks. Not only is that clause ridiculous it's also illegal in some territories, I know it would be here.

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Someone in EA has no idea what they're doing, and have to really understand that what usually happens with open betas is that most people just want to play game just to see how it is. After that, it's suggestions and OP/rebalance reports en masse from angry players, not caring much about bug testing.


Besides, SimCity 5 is a just a complete disaster that's already happening in its creation. When people are forced to work together in a online "social" setting, no one's going to help each other reasonably, and definitely not speak of any exploits or bugs that work in their advantage. People from the open beta are just going to complain about OP'd items and actions used by other people, without caring to go about it the proper way by filling out a form or follow specific posting rules.


So what is the best "bug fix"? Honor the roots of the series, remove the online social element of the game, and make it the classic solo-player city-building sandbox that made the series its own. There was nothing wrong with that - It was SimCity's core element, and you really can't just gut it out like that. Form the terrain, build up a megalopolis, keep the budget in the green, and wreak havok with a bevy of disasters - That formula itself stands out from a lot of the other games out there, and help start a new line of games, so why change it?

Edited by ziitch
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One reason why i refuse to buy into anything ea lately, reason is its their attitude and disrespect of the customers, and origin is a good example. and not to mention this mess. Edited by Thor.
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As the Ars Technica story itself now includes, EA did a facepalm and fixed this! :rolleyes:


UPDATE (1/22/13): EA has updated the EULA language and issued the following statement: "“The clause in the EA Beta Agreement for the SimCity beta was intended to prohibit players from using known exploits to their advantage. However, the language as included is too broad. EA has never taken away access to a player’s games for failing to report a bug. We are now updating the Beta Agreement to remove this point.”"
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