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Repacked bsa after script edit lesserpower config n/a


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Hi I have made some very basic edits of a mod for personal reasons (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10229?tab=posts)


The mod has a lesser power config function to set the NPC number - the Default and Current number is set to 0 and I have changed them in the script to both be set at Max so that when the mod is installed the settings are already done (then I plan to remove the lesserpower config spell so it isn't in the game)


I extracted the BSA script and source, opened in Notepad++ with Paypyrus plugin, edited using Notepad++ and Papyrus


1. I extracted the BSA with B.A.E. - Bethesda Archive Extractor

2. Made edits with Notepad++ and Papyrus in the in _ntconfigscript.psc (example as follows)


ElseIf newvalue == 2 ; Default: 0
StormcloakCount = 0


ElseIf newvalue == 2 ; Default: 3
StormcloakCount = 3


and largegroup


ElseIf newvalue == 6 ; Default: 0
LargeGroupChance = 0
iMenu = 5


ElseIf newvalue == 6 ; Default: 10
LargeGroupChance = 10
iMenu = 5


3. I used Sublime Text 2 to recreate the edited script as _ntconfigscript.pex

4. I archived it on separate occasions with both Creation Kit and TESArchive.exe


Zipped the edited BSA and ESL, put it into Vortex and enable but the config no longer shows as the lesspower in game to see if the new settings have taken effect.


Can I get some tips on what I am missing? Thanks


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